Monday Worksheet

On Friday, we ran K-Means clustering on the numeric columns from the Spotify dataset. We should add an additional step, because it turns out that in the version from Friday, one of the dimensions (“input variables”/”features”/predictors”) was dominating all the others.

Warm-up with any and all

On Friday, we removed the rows which were bad in the Energy column, and were lucky that was good enough. We really should have removed the rows that were bad in any column. We can do that using either any or all.

  • Using rng.choice and pd.DataFrame, make a 15x3 pandas DataFrame consisting of randomly chosen values of True and False. Call it df_bool.

  • Try evaluating df_bool.any(axis = 1), df_bool.all(axis = 1), df_bool.any(axis = 0), df_bool.all(axis = 0) to learn about these any and all methods.

(This same syntax works for a NumPy array. We asked you to convert it to a pandas DataFrame so that the values were easier to display in the notebook.)

Identifying the problem

In a Jupyter notebook, we will basically follow the procedure from Friday’s class, but there will be a few changes.

  • Import the Spotify dataset as df (be sure to use the na_values argument, so that the appropriate columns become numeric automatically).

  • Verify that the correct columns are numeric, by using dtypes.

  • Let’s say a row is bad if any of its entries is NaN. Using either isna or notna and either any or all, remove the bad rows from the DataFrame. Call the result df2. Put a .copy() afterwards just to be safe.

  • Check your answer by computing the shape of df2. It should be (1545, 23).

  • Get a list numeric_cols containing the names of all the numeric columns from df2. Like on Friday, use is_numeric_dtype. Your list should have length 14

  • Make a new DataFrame df3 containing only the numeric columns of df2.

  • Instantiate a KMeans object, specifying 10 clusters. Call the result kmeans.

  • fit the object using df3.

  • We are going to store the cluster values into the previous DataFrame df2, not in df3. The reason that is better, is because df2 contains information like artist name and song title. Use code that’s in the following form.

df2[???] = kmeans.predict(df2[???])
  • Plot the result using the following code with Altair. Make the colors look better by specifying the appropriate encoding type for the color column.

    x = "Artist Followers",
    y = "Valence",
    color = "cluster"
  • Our clusters are fit using 14-dimensional data, but one of those dimensions is dominating because the values in it are so much larger than the others.

  • Check the mean and standard deviation of all the different columns in df3 by using df3.mean(axis = ???) and df3.std(axis = ???). (If you want to get numbers that are easier to read, without the scientific notation, you can change the way pandas displays float values, as in this Stack Overflow answer.)

Fixing the problem using StandardScaler

This is such a common issue in Machine Learning (not just for clustering), that there is a built-in tool in scikit-learn to rescale the different columns. The tool is called StandardScaler, and its syntax is very similar to the usual scikit-learn syntax.

  • Import StandardScaler using the following code.

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
  • Instantiate a new StandardScaler object, and name it scaler. Do this the same way you instantiate a LinearRegression object or a KMeans object. You don’t need to pass any arguments inside the parentheses.

  • fit the object using

  • Normally we would try scaler.predict(df3), but since we are not predicting anything, a different word is used. Evaluate scaler.transform(df3). Convert it to a pandas DataFrame and name the result df4. Give df4 the same column names as df3.

You should think of df4 and df3 as containing the same data, with the only difference being that the data in df4 has been normalized.

  • Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the columns of df4.

  • Instantiate a new KMeans object with however many clusters you want. fit the new object using df4, and then predict also using df4. (It would be a little more robust to instead predict using df2, but then we would need another round of scaling and putting in column names.) Put the resulting cluster numbers into the “cluster” column of df2 (so overwrite the old “cluster” column.)

  • Redo the Altair plot from above. Add in a tooltip specifying the song name and artist name. If everything went correctly, the colors should look less strictly ordered than before the scaling was done.