Student Projects
Student Projects¶
Here are some of the student projects from Winter 2022!
Frame Prediction by Noah Agudelo
Movie’s Gross by Dana Albakri
Can simple volume formulas predict mass of complex diamond shapes? by Tyler Brown
Credit Card Approval Prediction by Michael Choi
Board Games by Alicia Chuang
Error on ages by Remy Clement
Predict Pumpkin Seeds by Zian Dong
Titanic Survival by Brigitte Harijanto
Diamond Price by Huan Tran Huu
Final Project NBA Players by Rex Kim
Russian Federation Economic Indicators by Lily McBeath
Star Type by Yufei Ren
Analyses on NICS Firearm Background Checks by Nathan Samarasena
Project Title by Siyu Sun
Predict Position of Player with Seasonal Stats by Sarah Thayer
“Strength is Strength” by Alessandro Tozcano
McDonald’s Menu Analysis by Jenny Tran
Netflix Stock Price Prediction by Jiayu Wang
Predicting match outcomes in professional Couter Strike: Global Offensive by Ryan Wei
Examining Free Throw percentages in the NBA Playoffs by Joseph Yecco
Pokemon Types with Machine Learning by Jia Bao Zhen