Homework 5

List your name and the names of any collaborators at the top of this notebook.

(Reminder: It’s encouraged to work together; you can even submit the exact same homework as another student or two students, but you must list each other’s names at the top.)

This homework is divided into two parts (please submit both together). In the first part, you will practice with scikit-learn and the MNIST dataset. In the second part, you will be introduced to some of the most famous concepts in machine learning (over-fitting and the bias-variance tradeoff).

Part 1: scikit-learn and MNIST

Question 1

In the language of the Altair data encoding types, why should the labels (0,1,…,9) from the MNIST handwritten digit dataset be considered as a nominal data type, rather than a quantitative or an ordinal data type? (This should seem counter-intuitive at first, since the labels do have a clear ordering.)

Question 2

Lost the MNIST data and many useful scikit-learn functions by evaluating the cell below. It will probably take about one minute to execute. (Warning. I tried loading this twice, and I ran out of memory. So try to only evaluate this cell once per session.)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

mnist = fetch_openml('mnist_784', version = 1)

Get the image data from mnist and call it X, also get the label data and call it y.

Question 3

Replace y with a numeric Series using pd.to_numeric. Also call this new Series y. (Check. If you look at y, it should be a length 70000 pandas Series with dtype int64.)

Question 4

Create X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test using train_test_split with a test size of 0.9. (This is a larger than usual test size. Something like 0.2 is more common.)

Question 5

How many data points are in the training set? (There are two ways to answer this, either mathematically using the fact that the test size is 0.9 and the full data set contains 70000 samples, or by evaluating the length of X_train or y_train.)

Question 6

Fit a LogisticRegression classifier using X_train and y_train. (A warning shows up, the same as in the video. We are just ignoring this warning for now.)

Question 7

Use the score method of the classifier to evaluate the performance on X_train and y_train. You can read about the score method in the scikit-learn documentation.

Question 8

That score value should be the same as the proportion of correct predictions by your classifier. Verify that they are the same. (Use the predict method, then create a Boolean array by comparing the result to y_train, then use np.count_nonzero and divide by the length.)

Question 9

What is the score for the test set?

Question 10

Do the results suggest over-fitting? Why or why not?

Question 11

We are now going to do the same thing using Linear Regression instead of Logistic Regression. Why is that a bad idea on the MNIST dataset?

Question 12

Fit a Linear Regression object using the same X_train and y_train as above.

Question 13

What is the mean_absolute_error between the predicted value on X_train (use predict) and y_train (don’t use predict)?

Question 14

What is the mean_absolute_error between the predicted value on X_test and y_test?

Question 15

Do the results suggest over-fitting? Why or why not?

Part 2: Reading questions

This portion of the homework is based on Chapter 2 (Statistical Learning) of Introduction to Statistical Learning. You can download this chapter from on campus using SpringerLink or you can find a download link in the Week 6 checklist on Canvas.

  1. In the income formula from page 22, what is the significance of \(\beta_1\) and \(\beta_2\) being positive or negative?

  2. Which of the curves in Figure 2.9 is underfitting the data? Which is overfitting the data?

  3. What is meant by the two green dots in the right-hand panel of Figure 2.9?

  4. Describe in your own words what is meant by the Bias-Variance Tradeoff (section 2.2.2).

  5. Why is Equation (2.5) on page 29 not reasonable to use for a classification problem?


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