
Homework 9


Homework 9


Goal of this homework: Keep working on the course project!

Specific instructions:

  1. Receiving full credit on this homework indicates that your project appears to be at least half finished.

  2. Use the same project as for your Course Project and your previous Homework. (Not a duplicate of the project, but literally the same project on Deepnote.)

  3. You shouldn’t need to share the project again, because you already did that last week. (But if you didn’t, then please share the project on Deepnote with Thurman and Chris.)

  4. Include an Altair chart related to your dataset, and customize the appearance of the chart in some way, for example, as in the Adding a title in Altair video, or as in the Altair documentation, such as Customizing visualizations or Top-level chart configuration.

  5. Use f-strings somewhere in your project; see the f-strings video for an introduction. In the “Questions to help Chris” section, state explicitly where you used f-strings in your project. (Any time you are using variables in a string, that is a possible time to use f-strings. As a basic example, if you want to print out the number of rows in your dataset, you could use code like, print(f"The number of rows in this dataset is {df.shape[0]}").)

  6. Include at least 5 explanatory markdown cells. They don’t have to be long. They could just be one sentence between code cells, letting the reader know what you are doing. The more clear you can make your work, the better.

  7. The main point of this homework is for you to work on the course project; the other requirements for this homework are not meant to be time-consuming. If you have any questions about the specific requirements, please ask on Ed Discussion, because I’m sure other students have the same questions!

  8. For the submission, upload the ipynb file on Canvas.