UC Irvine Math 10 W22
UC Irvine, Math 10, Winter 2022
Getting Started
Installation (optional)
Markdown Introduction
Week 1
Making a for loop more Pythonic
Wednesday Lecture
Homework 1
Week 2
Week 2 Videos
Random numbers in NumPy
Boolean arrays in NumPy
Homework 2
Quiz 1 Practice Exercises
NumPy and pandas
Week 3
Week 3 Videos
Reading a csv file
Homework 3
Quiz 2 Practice Exercises
Visualization in Python
Week 4
Week 4 Videos
Week 4 Video notebooks
Homework 4
Spotify dataset
More practice with the Spotify dataset
Week 5
Introduction to scikit-learn
Introduction to Machine Learning
Week 6
Week 6 Videos
Video notebooks
Homework 5
K-Nearest Neighbors Regressor
Week 7
Week 7 Videos
Week 7 Video notebooks
Homework 6
PyTorch and Neural Networks
PyTorch and Neural Networks 2
Neural networks
Week 8
Week 8 Videos
Week 8 Video notebooks
Homework 7
Week 8 Wednesday
Week 8 Friday
Week 9
Linear regression worksheet
Homework 8
Week 10
Week 10 Videos
Week 10 Video notebooks
Week 10, Monday
Homework 9
Course Project
Course Project
Possible extra topics
Student Projects
Frame Prediction
Movie’s Gross
Can simple volume formulas predict mass of complex diamond shapes?
Credit Card Approval Prediction
Board Games
Error on ages
Predict Pumpkin Seeds
Titanic Survival
Diamond price
Final Project NBA Players
Russian Federation Economic Indicators
Star Type
Analyses on NICS Firearm Background Checks
Project Title
Predict Position of Player with Seasonal Stats
“Strength is Strength”
McDonald’s Menu Analysis
Netflix Stock Price Prediction
Predicting match outcomes in professional Couter Strike: Global Offensive
Examining Free Throw percentages in the NBA Playoffs
Pokemon Types with Machine Learning