Dollar Bill Validity#
Author: Jacob Bustamante
Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, S23
The goal for this data analysis is to determine the validity of a dollar bill given the features of the dataset, and to what degree each and every feature is useful determining such. We will employ many classification tools and regression models and determine which can best predict the validity of any given bill.
About the Data#
For this dataset we have 5 features: 4 numeric features and 1 nominal feature. The four numeric features are the attributes of the image after being run through a Wavelet Transform tool, and the nominal feature is whether the bill was presumed to be a real or a forge. More information on this dataset can be found at:
The file is a tuple, containing the dataframe at index 0 and the above information at index 1, how thoughtful!
from import loadarff
Dataset: banknote-authentication
V1's type is numeric
V2's type is numeric
V3's type is numeric
V4's type is numeric
Class's type is nominal, range is ('1', '2')
We have a lot of modules to import, so here are the modules each with a brief description as to how we will be using each module.
import pandas as pd # Integral for our data analysis!
import altair as alt # Useful for graphing data and visualization.
# loadarff from scipy # Allows the loading of .arff files.
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression # Linear regression model.
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # Classification model, using sigmoid function.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier # Classification model, only one decision tree.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Reduces chance of overfitting.
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # Principal Component Analysis tool.
Feature Engineering#
First and foremost, we have to adjust the data for use, whether it be creating new columns or adjusting pre-existing columns:
First we import the arff file using the
module and load it into the pandas dataframedf
.We adjust the column names for better readability.
And we insert the columns
for later use.
df = pd.DataFrame(loadarff('banknote_authentication.arff')[0])
V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | Class | |
1330 | -1.10050 | -7.25080 | 6.0139 | 0.368950 | b'2' |
522 | 0.52855 | 0.96427 | 4.0243 | -1.048300 | b'1' |
1337 | 0.23460 | -4.51520 | 2.1195 | 1.444800 | b'2' |
599 | 3.92920 | -2.91560 | 2.2129 | 0.308170 | b'1' |
977 | -1.23900 | -6.54100 | 4.8151 | -0.033204 | b'2' |
The column names are not that helpful in distinguishing a feature from another, so we set the column names to the cols
cols = ['variance', 'skewness', 'curtosis', 'entropy','realBool']
df.set_axis(cols, axis='columns', inplace=True)
Index(['variance', 'skewness', 'curtosis', 'entropy', 'realBool'], dtype='object')
Notice the realBool
column is not very useable for classification, as it is an object dtype, so we will change it to a bool dtype.
variance | skewness | curtosis | entropy | realBool | |
420 | -2.484 | 12.1611 | 2.8204 | -3.7418 | b'1' |
We want realBool
to be a bool, so using the str
accessor allows us to filter the b’1’ from ‘b’2’. Since b’1’ is real and b’2’ means forged, we want b’1’ to mean True and else False.
df['realBool'] = df['realBool'].astype(str).str.contains('1')
We also create the new column 'realDollar'
to store the integer value of the bool.
df['realDollar'] = df['realBool'].astype(int)
variance | skewness | curtosis | entropy | realBool | realDollar | |
1330 | -1.10050 | -7.25080 | 6.0139 | 0.368950 | False | 0 |
522 | 0.52855 | 0.96427 | 4.0243 | -1.048300 | True | 1 |
1337 | 0.23460 | -4.51520 | 2.1195 | 1.444800 | False | 0 |
599 | 3.92920 | -2.91560 | 2.2129 | 0.308170 | True | 1 |
977 | -1.23900 | -6.54100 | 4.8151 | -0.033204 | False | 0 |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)#
Sklearn’s PCA
is great for identifying the greatest variance features in large Dataframes with numerous features, but just for this dataset we wish to measure the relative importance of each element in the Dataframe and determine the most impactful feature.
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
We create the principal component classifier fitted to the Dataframe.
pca = PCA(n_components=4, random_state=22).fit(df[cols[:-1]], df['realBool'])
From the explained_variance_ratio_
, we can determine which feature from the dollar photographs is best in determining a forgery, comparatively to the other features.
We create df_coefs
to display each feature’s relative proficiency in forgery identification.
df_coefs = pd.DataFrame([list(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)], columns=cols[:-1])
variance | skewness | curtosis | entropy | |
0 | 0.761324 | 0.141905 | 0.067018 | 0.029753 |
Notably, variance
is by far the best for determining a forgery, being over 5 times better at measuring the likelyhood of a forgery than the next best feature, skewness
Plotting the data#
Let’s get a better look at our data, and given variance is the best at classifying forgeries and real bills, let’s plot variance with the other features and try to identify any clear patterns in the data.
Along the way, we’ll determine the best regression tool for the quantitative data.
We create the make_line_chart
and make_circle_chart
functions to help create the necessary altair charts. This helps simplify the process of data visualization.
def make_line_chart(df, feat, output):
return alt.Chart(df).mark_line(color='red').encode(x=feat, y=output)
def make_circle_chart(df, feat, output):
return alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(x=feat, y=output, color='realBool')
We plot variance
with each other quantitative feature of the data, using color to differentiate the presumed forges from the real.
[display(make_circle_chart(df, 'variance', col)) for col in cols[1:-1]]
[None, None, None]
It’s notable the range where variance has trouble predicting the validity of a bill is [-2,2], where for variance values >2 the bill is highly likely to be real, and for values <-2 it is highly likely to be a forgery.
Furthermore, it is clear the relationship between the variables is non-linear, so now using poly_fit()
we can find a best fit regression model for the data.
We make use of the code from our Worksheet #12 to model the data using PolynomialFeatures
and Pipeline
from sklearn.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
def poly_fit_var(df, d, n, rs, col, color):
df_copy = df.copy()
df_sub = df.sample(n,random_state=rs)
pipe = Pipeline([
df_copy[col] = pipe.predict(df_copy[["variance"]])
c = alt.Chart(df_copy).mark_line(color=color,clip=True).encode(
y = alt.Y(col, scale=alt.Scale(domain=(-10,20)))
return c
We arbitrarily choose variance and curtosis, as I find those features’ relationship to be the most interesting.
c = make_circle_chart(df, 'variance', 'curtosis')
d_col = [(3, 'red'), (7, 'green'), (10, 'blue')]
chart_list = [poly_fit_var(df, degree, 100, 22, 'curtosis', color) for degree, color in d_col]
alt.layer(c, *chart_list)
From the chart there appears to be no line of best fit, as the data appears to be non-linear. This makes sense, given the clear split in the data as variance decreases.
Logistic Regression#
Let’s see if Logistic Regression will agree with our findings from our Principal Component Analysis in determining the (single) best attribute to determine the real from the fake!
We create the dollar_log_prob()
function to fit each singular column to the LogisticRegression
model, returning the score for its classification success rate.
def dollar_log_prob(df,col):
return LogisticRegression().fit(df[[col]],df['realBool']).score(df[[col]],df['realBool'])
Using df_coef
we can store and display each feature’s success rate in predicting a dollar’s validity alongside the PCA’s scoring of each attribute.
df_coefs.loc[1] = [dollar_log_prob(df,feat) for feat in df.columns[:4]]
variance | skewness | curtosis | entropy | |
0 | 0.761324 | 0.141905 | 0.067018 | 0.029753 |
1 | 0.844752 | 0.650146 | 0.610058 | 0.555394 |
According to the logistic regression, the best feature for determining a forged dollar is the variance of the image, at an 84% success rate. Skewness and curtosis are better than guessing with both being over 60%. Entropy is the lowest with 55%, barely better than just guessing!
It’s clear then that both classification models agree in variance’s importance in forgery prediction.
Graphing Logistic Regression#
Let’s graph just the variance
feature, as of course it is the most successful predictor for a forgery.
First, let’s create the global instance of the logistic regression of the variance
(all our logistic regression instances were local to the dollar_log_prob
clf = LogisticRegression().fit(df[['variance']], df['realDollar'])
Notice from clf.classes_
, the structure of the data from clf.predict_proba
will have the forge probability (0) first, then the real probability (1) next.
[0 1]
[[0.02402549 0.97597451]
[0.00959921 0.99040079]
[0.01887641 0.98112359]]
We create the pred_prob
column to store the classifier clf
’s confidence level for each prediction, given the variance.
df['pred_prob'] = clf.predict_proba(df[['variance']])[:,1]
make_circle_chart(df,'variance', 'realDollar') + make_line_chart(df,'variance', 'pred_prob')
Decision Tree Classification#
We use train_test_split
to test the effectiveness of the Decision Tree Classifier: inputting our dataframe minus the last column, as this is our desired element realBool
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df[cols[:-1]],df['realBool'], train_size=.6, random_state=22)
dtc = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=8).fit(X_train,y_train)
We print the effectiveness of the DecisionTreeClassifier
in modeling the dollar bill validity dataset, displaying both the train set and test set’s success rate.
[print(dtc.score(X,y)) for X,y in [[X_train,y_train],[X_test,y_test]]]
[None, None]
Given the score of the training and test sets are both above 94%, it is clear from the test data set that using 8 max leaf nodes is quite sufficient for classification without overfitting.
Here is the DecisionTree
for classifying each bill.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
_ = plot_tree(dtc, feature_names=dtc.feature_names_in_, filled=True)

Because the singular decision tree classifier is quite accurate as is, a Random Forest Classification from sklearn is not necessary.
The importance in the variance of the bill cannot be understated, as the other features of a bill: skewness, curtosis, and entropy; all pail in comparison to the success rate variance has in identifying forgeries from real bills. Using polynomial regression models it is clear the relationships between each feature from the Wavelet Transform tool are non-linear and hard to model accurately. Lastly using decision tree classification with a leaf node limit of roughly 20 is highly successful in forgery identification, with a 94% success rate in separating the forges from the real bills.
All in all, given that the data set is from the features gathered from a Wavelet Transform tool- a data processing and analyzing tool itself- most findings we can gather are in regards to the functionality of the data tool itself, as we know no information on the bills themselves. However, one key insight into data analysis that cannot be understated is that variance in a data set cannot be overlooked, as variance from the norm can be key in classification and categorization, as this data set conveys.
Source of the dataset:#
Volker Lohweg (2013). UCI Machine Learning Repository []. University of Applied Sciences, Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Code from Worksheet #12, specifically the poly_fit() function.#
Jacob Bustamante (2023). deepnote []. UC Irvine