Week 2 Friday#


  • I’m in a different notebook. Will upload this one later.

  • In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been posting annotated versions of these notebooks in the course notes. Here is the one from Wednesday.

  • Yufei (one of our three Learning Assistants) is here to help.

(Worse) alternatives to the material from Wednesday#

On Wednesday, we saw how to find all rows in the taxis dataset for which the pickup zone and the dropoff zone both contained the substring "Airport". Let’s see some alternative ways to do that. This will give practice with pandas indexing and general Python concepts (like for loops). Then we’ll recap the “right” way to do this, using the str accessor and Boolean indexing in pandas.

import pandas as pd

Here’s a reminder of how the taxis dataset looks. I’m first going to shuffle the rows, using the sample method. If I specify frac = 0.1, we will get 10% of the rows. Because I am using random_state=10, if you also use random_state=10, you should get the same random rows as I get. (This keyword argument random_state is like the seed argument in NumPy.)

df = pd.read_csv("../data/taxis.csv")
df = df.sample(frac = 0.1, random_state=10)
pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
890 2019-03-09 16:32:40 2019-03-09 16:49:32 2 2.70 13.0 0.00 0.0 16.30 yellow cash Midtown North Kips Bay Manhattan Manhattan
5870 2019-03-26 11:04:06 2019-03-26 11:09:23 1 0.64 5.5 1.26 0.0 7.56 green credit card Morningside Heights Manhattanville Manhattan Manhattan
686 2019-03-27 15:02:00 2019-03-27 15:31:19 1 3.79 20.0 0.00 0.0 23.30 yellow cash East Chelsea Manhattan Valley Manhattan Manhattan
4937 2019-03-02 19:50:23 2019-03-02 20:04:19 2 1.60 10.0 2.75 0.0 16.55 yellow credit card TriBeCa/Civic Center East Village Manhattan Manhattan
2659 2019-03-18 21:36:06 2019-03-18 21:48:31 1 1.10 8.0 0.00 0.0 11.80 yellow cash Midtown North Midtown North Manhattan Manhattan

The original DataFrame had 6433 rows, so here we check that we got only 10% of the rows (because of frac=0.1).

(643, 14)

But I actually want all of the rows, so I’ve just copy-pasted what I have above, but now using frac=1. The only reason we’re doing this is so the row integer locations are different from the row index names. For example the top three rows below have integer location 0, 1, 2, but they have index names 890, 5870, and 686.

df = pd.read_csv("../data/taxis.csv")
df = df.sample(frac = 1, random_state=10)
pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
890 2019-03-09 16:32:40 2019-03-09 16:49:32 2 2.70 13.0 0.00 0.0 16.30 yellow cash Midtown North Kips Bay Manhattan Manhattan
5870 2019-03-26 11:04:06 2019-03-26 11:09:23 1 0.64 5.5 1.26 0.0 7.56 green credit card Morningside Heights Manhattanville Manhattan Manhattan
686 2019-03-27 15:02:00 2019-03-27 15:31:19 1 3.79 20.0 0.00 0.0 23.30 yellow cash East Chelsea Manhattan Valley Manhattan Manhattan
4937 2019-03-02 19:50:23 2019-03-02 20:04:19 2 1.60 10.0 2.75 0.0 16.55 yellow credit card TriBeCa/Civic Center East Village Manhattan Manhattan
2659 2019-03-18 21:36:06 2019-03-18 21:48:31 1 1.10 8.0 0.00 0.0 11.80 yellow cash Midtown North Midtown North Manhattan Manhattan

Let’s check that we really are getting all 6433 rows.

(6433, 14)

Warm-up: What are the integer locations of the “pickup_zone” and “dropoff_zone” columns?#

On Wednesday, I counted to get the integer locations. Here are some better approaches.

Here are all the columns. If you count, you should get that “pickup_zone” occurs in integer position 10, and that “dropoff_zone” occurs in integer position 11.

Index(['pickup', 'dropoff', 'passengers', 'distance', 'fare', 'tip', 'tolls',
       'total', 'color', 'payment', 'pickup_zone', 'dropoff_zone',
       'pickup_borough', 'dropoff_borough'],
  • Convert to a list and then use the index method.

This was the first way that came to mind. Lists in Python have an index method for exactly this purpose (getting the integer location of where an element occurs). The object df.columns is not a list though, it is a pandas Index.


Here we convert it to a list.

mylist = list(df.columns)

And we check that it is really a list.


We can now use the index method of a Python list.

  • Get a Boolean array and then use np.nonzero (don’t forget to import NumPy before calling np.nonzero.)

Here is another approach, using the NumPy function nonzero. We first make a Boolean array that is equal to True in precisely one position, where the column name is “pickup_zone”.

df.columns == "pickup_zone"
array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False])

Even though that last thing is a NumPy array, we have not imported NumPy yet, so if we want to use NumPy functions ourselves, we need to import it.

import numpy as np

The following reports that 10 is the slot where we have a True. It is a little confusing with the parentheses (this is secretly a length 1 tuple). The reason is that the nonzero function works exactly the same with two-dimensional NumPy arrays, and so a tuple is used in case there are extra dimensions. (If the True were in row 10 and column 4, we would see something like (array([10]), array([4])).

np.nonzero(df.columns == "pickup_zone")

An alternative, that has additional functionality, is to use np.where. For our basic example, the output is exactly the same.

np.where(df.columns == "pickup_zone")

Here is an example of the additional functionality. We put the string "Chris" everywhere there was a True (just one slot), and we put the string "Davis" everywhere else.

np.where(df.columns == "pickup_zone", "Chris", "Davis")
array(['Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis',
       'Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis', 'Chris', 'Davis', 'Davis', 'Davis'],
  • Use the get_loc method of a pandas Index. (Credit: Bing chat.)

I didn’t know this option before this morning, but it is exactly what we want. (I don’t quite see why it is called get_loc rather than get_iloc, it seems like we are getting the integer location.)

  • Use the get_indexer method of a pandas Index. (Credit: Bing chat.)

This approach has some extra functionality, because it can get both locations at the same time. I don’t think any of the above approaches can do that, without some additional work.

df.columns.get_indexer(["pickup_zone", "dropoff_zone"])
array([10, 11])

Here’s another reminder of what the columns are.

Index(['pickup', 'dropoff', 'passengers', 'distance', 'fare', 'tip', 'tolls',
       'total', 'color', 'payment', 'pickup_zone', 'dropoff_zone',
       'pickup_borough', 'dropoff_borough'],

And a reminder that df.columns is a pandas Index (this data type is not as essential to Math 10 as pandas DataFrames and pandas Series).


Here is the list version.


Which we saved with the name mylist.


Lists in Python can contain anything, including different data types in different positions. In this case, all of the entries in the list are strings. Here we check that the entry at index 8 is a string.


Worse approach 1: Using a for loop and iloc#

On Wednesday, we used str and contains to find the sub-DataFrame containing the rows where both the “pickup_zone” and the “dropoff_zone” involved an airport.

Here we’re going to go through the 6433 rows, one at a time. We will do that by going through the integers from 0 (inclusive) to 6433 (exclusive) one at a time. We can do that using for i in range(6433):. (In Matlab, we would do something like for i = 1:6433.)


The logic of the following is pretty good, but in practice it raises an error because some entries are missing.

# problem from missing values

good_inds = []

for i in range(len(df)):
    if ("Airport" in df.iloc[i, 10]) and ("Airport" in df.iloc[i, 11]):
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[26], line 6
      3 good_inds = []
      5 for i in range(len(df)):
----> 6     if ("Airport" in df.iloc[i, 10]) and ("Airport" in df.iloc[i, 11]):
      7         good_inds.append(i)

TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable

Let me try to convince you that error is caused by missing values. (It’s not obvious from the description of the error.) One way to represent missing values in Python is to use np.nan (which stands for “not a number”).


If we try to check whether "Airport" in np.nan, we indeed get the exact same error.

"Airport" in np.nan
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[28], line 1
----> 1 "Airport" in np.nan

TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable

There are many ways we could get around this (such as by dropping rows with missing values in these columns). Here we will use a simple approach, of wrapping the whole problematic portion in a try block. The except TypeError portion is saying that even if a TypeError is raised, do not stop the execution of the code, instead just continue to the next step in the for loop.

One side comment: in Python, it is almost never correct to use the code range(len(...)), there is almost always a more elegant way to iterate through the elements directly.

Another side comment: We are using and instead of & in the following, because it is being used with True and False values directly, rather than with arrays or Series of True and False values.

good_inds = []

for i in range(len(df)):
        if ("Airport" in df.iloc[i, 10]) and ("Airport" in df.iloc[i, 11]):
    except TypeError:

[517, 642, 1117, 1239, 1461, 2032, 3576, 3971, 4970, 5417, 5773]

This good_inds list contains integer locations, so it should be used together with iloc. We can get all of these rows by passing this list to iloc, as in the following. (For future reference, notice how the numbers appearing on the left side are not the same as 517, 642, etc.)

Be sure to scroll to the right and convince yourself that this sub-DataFrame does indeed correspond to the rows where “Airport” appears in both the “pickup_zone” and the “dropoff_zone” columns.

pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
2387 2019-03-28 15:58:52 2019-03-28 15:59:25 1 1.80 69.06 20.80 0.00 90.16 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1080 2019-03-04 14:17:05 2019-03-04 14:17:13 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
120 2019-03-21 17:21:44 2019-03-21 17:21:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5364 2019-03-17 16:59:17 2019-03-17 18:04:08 2 36.70 150.00 0.00 24.02 174.82 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1929 2019-03-13 22:35:35 2019-03-13 22:35:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
3571 2019-03-22 16:47:41 2019-03-22 16:47:50 1 0.81 66.00 0.00 0.00 66.80 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1416 2019-03-09 13:16:32 2019-03-09 13:46:11 2 12.39 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.80 yellow cash LaGuardia Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
4358 2019-03-06 18:24:00 2019-03-06 18:24:13 2 0.01 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1089 2019-03-10 01:43:32 2019-03-10 01:45:22 1 0.37 3.50 0.00 0.00 4.80 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5095 2019-03-30 20:14:44 2019-03-30 21:01:28 3 18.91 52.00 8.78 5.76 67.34 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
770 2019-03-02 03:16:59 2019-03-02 03:17:06 0 9.40 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens

If we try to use this without the iloc, pandas will try to find columns with these names (not integer positions), and we get an error.

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[31], line 1
----> 1 df[good_inds]

File ~/mambaforge/envs/math10s23/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py:3813, in DataFrame.__getitem__(self, key)
   3811     if is_iterator(key):
   3812         key = list(key)
-> 3813     indexer = self.columns._get_indexer_strict(key, "columns")[1]
   3815 # take() does not accept boolean indexers
   3816 if getattr(indexer, "dtype", None) == bool:

File ~/mambaforge/envs/math10s23/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py:6070, in Index._get_indexer_strict(self, key, axis_name)
   6067 else:
   6068     keyarr, indexer, new_indexer = self._reindex_non_unique(keyarr)
-> 6070 self._raise_if_missing(keyarr, indexer, axis_name)
   6072 keyarr = self.take(indexer)
   6073 if isinstance(key, Index):
   6074     # GH 42790 - Preserve name from an Index

File ~/mambaforge/envs/math10s23/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py:6130, in Index._raise_if_missing(self, key, indexer, axis_name)
   6128     if use_interval_msg:
   6129         key = list(key)
-> 6130     raise KeyError(f"None of [{key}] are in the [{axis_name}]")
   6132 not_found = list(ensure_index(key)[missing_mask.nonzero()[0]].unique())
   6133 raise KeyError(f"{not_found} not in index")

KeyError: "None of [Int64Index([517, 642, 1117, 1239, 1461, 2032, 3576, 3971, 4970, 5417, 5773], dtype='int64')] are in the [columns]"

Worse approach 2: Using a for loop and loc#

Before using this approach, we should make sure there aren’t any repetitions in the index. In most natural examples, the elements in the index will be unique, but that’s not a requirement.

The attribute df.index holds these numbers listed on the left-hand side.

Int64Index([890, 5870, 686, 4937, 2659], dtype='int64')

Notice how those same numbers 890, 5870, etc appear on the left.

pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
890 2019-03-09 16:32:40 2019-03-09 16:49:32 2 2.70 13.0 0.00 0.0 16.30 yellow cash Midtown North Kips Bay Manhattan Manhattan
5870 2019-03-26 11:04:06 2019-03-26 11:09:23 1 0.64 5.5 1.26 0.0 7.56 green credit card Morningside Heights Manhattanville Manhattan Manhattan
686 2019-03-27 15:02:00 2019-03-27 15:31:19 1 3.79 20.0 0.00 0.0 23.30 yellow cash East Chelsea Manhattan Valley Manhattan Manhattan
4937 2019-03-02 19:50:23 2019-03-02 20:04:19 2 1.60 10.0 2.75 0.0 16.55 yellow credit card TriBeCa/Civic Center East Village Manhattan Manhattan
2659 2019-03-18 21:36:06 2019-03-18 21:48:31 1 1.10 8.0 0.00 0.0 11.80 yellow cash Midtown North Midtown North Manhattan Manhattan

Here we make sure no two rows have the same name. (I can never remember that this is an attribute rather than a method, and I definitely don’t expect you to remember it.)

# checks if two rows have the same name

We can now adapt the iloc code above. There are a few changes to make. We change the range(len(df)) to df.index. (This df.index is definitely more elegant.) We also change from iloc to loc, because we are now iterating through the row names. Lastly, because we are using loc, we need to change the integers 10 and 11 to the column names “pickup_zone” and “dropoff_zone”.

good_inds = []

for i in df.index:
        if ("Airport" in df.loc[i, "pickup_zone"]) and ("Airport" in df.loc[i, "dropoff_zone"]):
    except TypeError:

[2387, 1080, 120, 5364, 1929, 3571, 1416, 4358, 1089, 5095, 770]

We can now get the same sub-DataFrame we found above (and that we found on Wednesday) using df.loc and this new list. Notice how the integers in good_inds now do appear on the left side. (That wasn’t the case above with iloc.)

pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
2387 2019-03-28 15:58:52 2019-03-28 15:59:25 1 1.80 69.06 20.80 0.00 90.16 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1080 2019-03-04 14:17:05 2019-03-04 14:17:13 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
120 2019-03-21 17:21:44 2019-03-21 17:21:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5364 2019-03-17 16:59:17 2019-03-17 18:04:08 2 36.70 150.00 0.00 24.02 174.82 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1929 2019-03-13 22:35:35 2019-03-13 22:35:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
3571 2019-03-22 16:47:41 2019-03-22 16:47:50 1 0.81 66.00 0.00 0.00 66.80 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1416 2019-03-09 13:16:32 2019-03-09 13:46:11 2 12.39 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.80 yellow cash LaGuardia Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
4358 2019-03-06 18:24:00 2019-03-06 18:24:13 2 0.01 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1089 2019-03-10 01:43:32 2019-03-10 01:45:22 1 0.37 3.50 0.00 0.00 4.80 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5095 2019-03-30 20:14:44 2019-03-30 21:01:28 3 18.91 52.00 8.78 5.76 67.34 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
770 2019-03-02 03:16:59 2019-03-02 03:17:06 0 9.40 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens

Worse approach 3: Using the pandas Series map method#

We first define a small function to determine if the string "Airport" appears as a substring (in some input s). We will improve this function below.

def has_airport(s):
    if "Airport" in s:
        return True
        return False

Here is a quick demonstration of how the function works.


It is checking to see if "Airport" occurs as a substring.

has_airport("abc Airport3")

As you get more experienced as a Python coder, you will be able to identify places to shorten definitions like for our has_airport function above. Notice how the function is returning True if "Airport" in s is True and is returning False otherwise, so we can simply return "Airport" in s directly.

def has_airport(s):
    return "Airport" in s

We’re going to apply that function to every entry in the following Series.

ser1 = df["pickup_zone"]
890                 Midtown North
5870          Morningside Heights
686                  East Chelsea
4937         TriBeCa/Civic Center
2659                Midtown North
1180        Upper East Side North
3441    West Chelsea/Hudson Yards
1344                     Gramercy
4623          Lincoln Square West
1289                 East Village
Name: pickup_zone, Length: 6433, dtype: object

But unfortunately we get a similar error to before, due to missing values.

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[43], line 1
----> 1 ser1.map(has_airport)

File ~/mambaforge/envs/math10s23/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py:4539, in Series.map(self, arg, na_action)
   4460 def map(
   4461     self,
   4462     arg: Callable | Mapping | Series,
   4463     na_action: Literal["ignore"] | None = None,
   4464 ) -> Series:
   4465     """
   4466     Map values of Series according to an input mapping or function.
   4537     dtype: object
   4538     """
-> 4539     new_values = self._map_values(arg, na_action=na_action)
   4540     return self._constructor(new_values, index=self.index).__finalize__(
   4541         self, method="map"
   4542     )

File ~/mambaforge/envs/math10s23/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/base.py:890, in IndexOpsMixin._map_values(self, mapper, na_action)
    887         raise ValueError(msg)
    889 # mapper is a function
--> 890 new_values = map_f(values, mapper)
    892 return new_values

File ~/mambaforge/envs/math10s23/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/_libs/lib.pyx:2924, in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer()

Cell In[41], line 2, in has_airport(s)
      1 def has_airport(s):
----> 2     return "Airport" in s

TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable

Let me again try to convince you that the error is due to missing values.

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[44], line 1
----> 1 has_airport(np.nan)

Cell In[41], line 2, in has_airport(s)
      1 def has_airport(s):
----> 2     return "Airport" in s

TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable

An oversight on my part is that I haven’t shown you the Python function help yet. Here is an example of using it to learn more about the pandas Series method map. Notice the na_action keyword argument, which is exactly what we need.

Help on method map in module pandas.core.series:

map(arg: 'Callable | Mapping | Series', na_action: "Literal['ignore'] | None" = None) -> 'Series' method of pandas.core.series.Series instance
    Map values of Series according to an input mapping or function.
    Used for substituting each value in a Series with another value,
    that may be derived from a function, a ``dict`` or
    a :class:`Series`.
    arg : function, collections.abc.Mapping subclass or Series
        Mapping correspondence.
    na_action : {None, 'ignore'}, default None
        If 'ignore', propagate NaN values, without passing them to the
        mapping correspondence.
        Same index as caller.
    See Also
    Series.apply : For applying more complex functions on a Series.
    DataFrame.apply : Apply a function row-/column-wise.
    DataFrame.applymap : Apply a function elementwise on a whole DataFrame.
    When ``arg`` is a dictionary, values in Series that are not in the
    dictionary (as keys) are converted to ``NaN``. However, if the
    dictionary is a ``dict`` subclass that defines ``__missing__`` (i.e.
    provides a method for default values), then this default is used
    rather than ``NaN``.
    >>> s = pd.Series(['cat', 'dog', np.nan, 'rabbit'])
    >>> s
    0      cat
    1      dog
    2      NaN
    3   rabbit
    dtype: object
    ``map`` accepts a ``dict`` or a ``Series``. Values that are not found
    in the ``dict`` are converted to ``NaN``, unless the dict has a default
    value (e.g. ``defaultdict``):
    >>> s.map({'cat': 'kitten', 'dog': 'puppy'})
    0   kitten
    1    puppy
    2      NaN
    3      NaN
    dtype: object
    It also accepts a function:
    >>> s.map('I am a {}'.format)
    0       I am a cat
    1       I am a dog
    2       I am a nan
    3    I am a rabbit
    dtype: object
    To avoid applying the function to missing values (and keep them as
    ``NaN``) ``na_action='ignore'`` can be used:
    >>> s.map('I am a {}'.format, na_action='ignore')
    0     I am a cat
    1     I am a dog
    2            NaN
    3  I am a rabbit
    dtype: object

For now we only see False values, because none of the visible entries contain "Airport" as a substring.

ser1.map(has_airport, na_action="ignore")
890     False
5870    False
686     False
4937    False
2659    False
1180    False
3441    False
1344    False
4623    False
1289    False
Name: pickup_zone, Length: 6433, dtype: object
ser2 = df["dropoff_zone"]

The following should be the same sub-DataFrame we attained two different ways above.

df[ser1.map(has_airport, na_action="ignore") & ser2.map(has_airport, na_action="ignore")]
pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
2387 2019-03-28 15:58:52 2019-03-28 15:59:25 1 1.80 69.06 20.80 0.00 90.16 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1080 2019-03-04 14:17:05 2019-03-04 14:17:13 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
120 2019-03-21 17:21:44 2019-03-21 17:21:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5364 2019-03-17 16:59:17 2019-03-17 18:04:08 2 36.70 150.00 0.00 24.02 174.82 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1929 2019-03-13 22:35:35 2019-03-13 22:35:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
3571 2019-03-22 16:47:41 2019-03-22 16:47:50 1 0.81 66.00 0.00 0.00 66.80 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1416 2019-03-09 13:16:32 2019-03-09 13:46:11 2 12.39 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.80 yellow cash LaGuardia Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
4358 2019-03-06 18:24:00 2019-03-06 18:24:13 2 0.01 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1089 2019-03-10 01:43:32 2019-03-10 01:45:22 1 0.37 3.50 0.00 0.00 4.80 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5095 2019-03-30 20:14:44 2019-03-30 21:01:28 3 18.91 52.00 8.78 5.76 67.34 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
770 2019-03-02 03:16:59 2019-03-02 03:17:06 0 9.40 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens

Best approach I know: Using the str accessor and Boolean indexing#

This is review of what we did on Wednesday. Here’s a reminder that ser1 is the variable containing the “pickup_zone” column.

890                 Midtown North
5870          Morningside Heights
686                  East Chelsea
4937         TriBeCa/Civic Center
2659                Midtown North
1180        Upper East Side North
3441    West Chelsea/Hudson Yards
1344                     Gramercy
4623          Lincoln Square West
1289                 East Village
Name: pickup_zone, Length: 6433, dtype: object

Instead of using map and our custom has_airport function, we use the str accessor, which gives us access to the contains method. The big advantage here is that we didn’t have to define any special function ourselves.

890     False
5870    False
686     False
4937    False
2659    False
1180    False
3441    False
1344    False
4623    False
1289    False
Name: pickup_zone, Length: 6433, dtype: object

Here is the final way (and the best way I know) to get the sub-DataFrame containing the rows for which both the pickup and dropoff zones involved an airport. We are using Boolean indexing to keep precisely those rows in df. (The previous approach, with map, also used Boolean indexing. The earlier approaches, with loc and iloc, used indexing but not Boolean indexing.)

df[ser1.str.contains("Airport") & ser2.str.contains("Airport")]
pickup dropoff passengers distance fare tip tolls total color payment pickup_zone dropoff_zone pickup_borough dropoff_borough
2387 2019-03-28 15:58:52 2019-03-28 15:59:25 1 1.80 69.06 20.80 0.00 90.16 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1080 2019-03-04 14:17:05 2019-03-04 14:17:13 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
120 2019-03-21 17:21:44 2019-03-21 17:21:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5364 2019-03-17 16:59:17 2019-03-17 18:04:08 2 36.70 150.00 0.00 24.02 174.82 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1929 2019-03-13 22:35:35 2019-03-13 22:35:49 1 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
3571 2019-03-22 16:47:41 2019-03-22 16:47:50 1 0.81 66.00 0.00 0.00 66.80 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1416 2019-03-09 13:16:32 2019-03-09 13:46:11 2 12.39 35.00 0.00 0.00 35.80 yellow cash LaGuardia Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
4358 2019-03-06 18:24:00 2019-03-06 18:24:13 2 0.01 2.50 0.00 0.00 4.30 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
1089 2019-03-10 01:43:32 2019-03-10 01:45:22 1 0.37 3.50 0.00 0.00 4.80 yellow cash JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
5095 2019-03-30 20:14:44 2019-03-30 21:01:28 3 18.91 52.00 8.78 5.76 67.34 yellow credit card JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens
770 2019-03-02 03:16:59 2019-03-02 03:17:06 0 9.40 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.80 yellow NaN JFK Airport JFK Airport Queens Queens