Worksheet 4#

This worksheet is due Monday night of Week 3. You are encouraged to work in groups of up to 3 total students, but each student should submit their own file. (It’s fine for everyone in the group to upload the same file.)

These questions refer to the attached vending machines csv file, vend.csv.


The goal of this worksheet is to make a 8-by-3 pandas DataFrame. The columns for this DataFrame will be named “Month”, “transactions” and “total price”. The entries will correspond to the number of transactions in that month, as well as the combined price for all those transactions.

  • Load the attached vend.csv dataset using pd.read_csv, and store it with the variable name df.

  • Look at the first few rows of df using the head method.

  • Which of the columns contains date-like values? Convert this column to actual date values (i.e., values that are recognized as dates by pandas) using the pandas function to_datetime. (You shouldn’t need to use a for loop or anything like that, just use the entire column as an input to the pandas to_datetime function.) Save the resulting pandas Series as a new column in df, named "Date".

  • Get the corresponding month name for each date, by using the dt accessor and the method month_name on the new “Date” column. Save this as a new column in df, named "Month".

  • Write a function month_count which takes as input a month name like “March” and as output returns how many transactions occurred in this month (use Boolean indexing… there are other ways, but we’ll use a similar approach below to get the total pr).

For example, the output for “March” should be 633.

  • Write a function total_price which takes as input a month name like “March” and as output returns the sum of the “RPrice” value for all transactions occuring in that month.

For example, the output for “March” should be 1117.75.

  • Make an empty DataFrame, that will eventually be the submission for this worksheet. Use pd.DataFrame(), nothing inside the parentheses. Name this empty DataFrame df_out.

  • Put a “Month” column in df_out containing the months from df, each listed one time. (Use df["Month"].unique() to get each value one time.)

  • Apply the month_count function to each value in df_out["Month"] by calling df_out["Month"].map(month_count). Store the result as a new column in df_out named "transactions".

  • Using the same strategy, make a column named "total price" in df_out, obtained by applying the total_price function to each entry in the "Month" column of df_out.

  • The resulting DataFrame df_out should have 8 rows and 3 columns. Save it to a file named df_out.csv using the pandas DataFrame method to_csv. (You need to give the desired file name as the first argument to the to_csv method.) Specify the keyword argument index=False so that the numbers 0 through 7 from the index are not stored.

  • Submit this csv file on Canvas.