Worksheet 12#

You are encouraged to work in groups of up to 3 total students, but each student should make their own submission on Canvas. (It’s fine for everyone in the group to have the same upload.)

Preliminary part#

  • Load the attached “sim_data.csv” file as a DataFrame and save the result with the variable name df.

  • Plot the data in a scatter plot using Altair. Name the resulting chart c. Use

y=alt.Y("y", scale=alt.Scale(domain=(-150,200)))

for the y-axis encoding. This will help keep the chart looking consistent below. (We will be plotting some high-degree polynomials, which can completely change the plot range because they have such big y-values.)

Main part#

Write a function poly_fit(df, d, n, rs, color) which takes as input our DataFrame df, a degree d, a number of samples n, a random state value rs, and a color color, and returns an Altair chart created as follows.

  • Make a copy of df using the copy method and name it df_copy.

  • Using the sample method of a pandas DataFrame, create a pandas DataFrame df_sub containing n random rows from df_copy and using rs for the random state.

  • Using PolynomialFeatures and Pipeline as in lecture on Wednesday, perform degree d polynomial regression on the data in df_sub. (Important: be sure you are not using the full DataFrame df_copy.)

  • Add a new column to df_copy (not to df_sub) containing the predicted values corresponding to df_copy[["x"]]. (In other words, call the predict method of the Pipeline object. We fit the regression using only n sample values, but we are calling predict on all the values from df_copy. In Machine Learning, it is common to call fit and predict on two different datasets.)

  • Using an f-string, name this new column "predRS", where RS gets replaced by the random state value. (For example, if rs=10, then the column should be named "pred10".)

  • Make a line chart in Altair from df_copy using the color color, the "x" column for the x-axis, and this "predRS" column you just made for the y-axis (you will need to use f-strings again… or maybe it would be nicer to store this string as a variable and then refer to that variable).

  • When calling mark_line, pass the keyword argument clip=True. (This will keep extreme values from being plotted.)

  • Your function should return that line chart.


  • Be sure you are calling fit on df_sub and calling predict on df_copy.

  • I believe it is better style to have your imports, like from sklearn.preprocessing ..., happen outside of the function, in a separate cell.

  • You might be able to accomplish this without using Pipeline, PolynomialFeatures, etc., but you should be able to use these on a quiz or exam.


  • Find a few outputs of your function that look quite different, using our DataFrame df, using degree 12 polynomial regression, 50 sample points. (In other words, try different values of rs and look for examples where the outputs look different.) Also give the charts different colors.

  • Layer these Altair charts on top of each other, using for example c + c1 + c2.

Random comment (most should ignore this):

  • If you’re feeling pretty comfortable with Python, and want to try some material we haven’t discussed, try to make the layer charts using something like the following:

state_colors = [(state1, color1), (state2, color2), ...]
chart_list = [??? for rs, color in state_colors]
alt.layer(c, *chart_list)
  • If you want to be even more fancy, you can make the suggested state_colors list in some automatic way. You should be able to use any valid html color name, like these.

Sample quiz and midterm questions#

(You will not be turning these in as part of this worksheet.)

  • What if you try the same thing (still degree 12) with 400 sample points instead of 50 sample points, how do things change? What if you use 20 sample points?

  • What if you use degree 2 and 50 sample points, how do things change?

  • Do the polynomials seem to look more consistent as we use more sample points? What about as we use higher degrees?


  • Save the resulting Altair layer chart as a png file (click the three dots at the upper right of the Altair chart) and submit that png file on Canvas.

  • Double-check that you are submitting your own png file, not the sample png file I attached.

  • Your submission should look something like the following, but you are encouraged to use more than just two line charts. I have cut off the y-axis label from the png, but yours should show something like y, pred??, pred??.

Data and two polynomial fits