Chess Games Analysis

Author:Josh Tseng

Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, S22


Introduce your project here. Maybe 3 sentences.

Chess is a game about pattern recongnition and this is what machine learning is all about. In this project, we will use over 30,000 games on one of the most popular website “Lichess” to analyse the best wining strategy in a game of chess. The dataset is from kaggle, somone used a Lichess api to create it. Chess Dataset

Data Cleaning and Feature Engineer

import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', None)
df = pd.read_csv('games.csv')
id rated created_at last_move_at turns victory_status winner increment_code white_id white_rating black_id black_rating moves opening_eco opening_name opening_ply
0 TZJHLljE False 1.504210e+12 1.504210e+12 13 outoftime white 15+2 bourgris 1500 a-00 1191 d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5... D10 Slav Defense: Exchange Variation 5
1 l1NXvwaE True 1.504130e+12 1.504130e+12 16 resign black 5+10 a-00 1322 skinnerua 1261 d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6... B00 Nimzowitsch Defense: Kennedy Variation 4
2 mIICvQHh True 1.504130e+12 1.504130e+12 61 mate white 5+10 ischia 1496 a-00 1500 e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc... C20 King's Pawn Game: Leonardis Variation 3
3 kWKvrqYL True 1.504110e+12 1.504110e+12 61 mate white 20+0 daniamurashov 1439 adivanov2009 1454 d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O... D02 Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation 3
4 9tXo1AUZ True 1.504030e+12 1.504030e+12 95 mate white 30+3 nik221107 1523 adivanov2009 1469 e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nc6 d5 Nb4 a3 Na6 Nc3 Be7 b4 N... C41 Philidor Defense 5
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20053 EfqH7VVH True 1.499791e+12 1.499791e+12 24 resign white 10+10 belcolt 1691 jamboger 1220 d4 f5 e3 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 b6 Be2 Bb7 O-O Be7 Ne5... A80 Dutch Defense 2
20054 WSJDhbPl True 1.499698e+12 1.499699e+12 82 mate black 10+0 jamboger 1233 farrukhasomiddinov 1196 d4 d6 Bf4 e5 Bg3 Nf6 e3 exd4 exd4 d5 c3 Bd6 Bd... A41 Queen's Pawn 2
20055 yrAas0Kj True 1.499698e+12 1.499698e+12 35 mate white 10+0 jamboger 1219 schaaksmurf3 1286 d4 d5 Bf4 Nc6 e3 Nf6 c3 e6 Nf3 Be7 Bd3 O-O Nbd... D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack 3
20056 b0v4tRyF True 1.499696e+12 1.499697e+12 109 resign white 10+0 marcodisogno 1360 jamboger 1227 e4 d6 d4 Nf6 e5 dxe5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 Nd5 c4 Nb... B07 Pirc Defense 4
20057 N8G2JHGG True 1.499643e+12 1.499644e+12 78 mate black 10+0 jamboger 1235 ffbob 1339 d4 d5 Bf4 Na6 e3 e6 c3 Nf6 Nf3 Bd7 Nbd2 b5 Bd3... D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack 3

20058 rows × 16 columns

#checking for null value

There is no null value in the whole dataset. However, I do want to get rid of the games that has than 6 terms, since those games does not really have much meanings.

df = df[df['turns']>5].copy()

Coverting the “created_at” and “last_move_at” to Pandas Datetime

The original time was measure in something that is called unix timestamp, which is not readable for human, so I converedti into pandas datetime.

df['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(df['created_at'], unit='ms')
df['last_move_at'] = pd.to_datetime(df['last_move_at'], unit='ms')

Creating a New Column called Format

Here I want to create some extra columns that will help the machine learning process easier and more accurate.

The ‘increment_code’ column is not too useful, genrally online chess games are sepereted into 3 different format, less than 3 minutes is called bullet, 3 minutes to 14 minutes is called blitz, and 15 minutes or above is called rapid, the first number before the plus sign in the ‘increment_code’ column indicats the minute, so I want to create a new column called ‘format’ and it has three values, ‘bullet’, ‘blitz’, and ‘rapid’

df['increment_code1'] = (df['increment_code'].str.split('+',-1).str[0]).map(int)
df['format'] = 'bullet'
df.loc[(df['increment_code1'] >= 3),'format'] = 'blitz' 
df.loc[df['increment_code1'] >= 15,'format'] = 'rapid'
df.drop('increment_code1', inplace=True, axis=1)
blitz     13624
rapid      5937
bullet      115
Name: format, dtype: int64

Creating New Columns for Machine Learning

Here I want to add 2 new columns that are numerical, which will help me perform linear regression. The two columns being, ‘black_win’and ‘white_win’. Each column will have 3 different values, 0 for lose, 0.5 for draw, and 1 for win

df['black_win'] = 0
df.loc[df['winner'] == 'black', 'black_win'] = 1
df.loc[df['winner'] == 'draw', 'black_win'] = 0.5
df['white_win'] = 1 - df['black_win']

Creating New Data Frames for the Chess Library

I want to create a new data frame that has the first 6 moves of each game and if white win or not.

moves = ['move ' + str(i) for i in range(1,7)]
df2 = df['opening_name']
df2 = pd.DataFrame(df2)
df2[moves] = 0
for i in df.index:
    temp = df.loc[i, 'moves'].split()
    for j in range(1,7):
        df2.loc[i, 'move ' + str(j)] = temp[j-1]

The reason I decided to store the moves column into a new data frame is because when the moves are in df, the size of it gets too big, and cannot plot some altair chart. Df2 is for the chess library.

Create New for Machine Learning Part 2

This new data frame called df3 will be for the second part of the macine laerning that uses the chess library to do feature engineering.

df3 = pd.DataFrame(df['moves'])
df3['white_win'] = False
df3.loc[df['winner'] == 'white', 'white_win'] = True

Basic Statistics

In this secion, I will be using altair charts to analyze the basic statistics in chess.

for i in ['white', 'black']:
    print(f'The winning percentage for {i} is ' + str(df['winner'].value_counts()[i]/len(df)))
print("And the drawing percentage is " + str(df['winner'].value_counts()['draw']/len(df)))
The winning percentage for white is 0.49801788981500306
The winning percentage for black is 0.45461475909737753
And the drawing percentage is 0.047367351087619435
#increase the maximun data points altair can plot
alt.data_transformers.enable('default', max_rows=None)
    x = 'winner:O',
    y = 'count(winner)',
    color = 'winner:N'

From the above 2 we cann see, in a chess game white has a distinct advatage over black disregarding the format or moves.

Now let’s see if white has an advantage in all formats of chess game.

alt.Chart(df[['winner', 'rated']]).mark_bar().encode(
    x = 'winner:O',
    y = 'count(winner)',
    color = 'winner:N',
    column = 'rated'

As we can see, in both format white still has a noticeable advantage over black.

I am intrest in how ‘rated’ corrolates with ‘victory_status’. The coulumn ‘vcitory_status’ have 4 different values, whcih are resign, mate, outoftime, and draw.

resign       10872
mate          6307
outoftime     1609
draw           888
Name: victory_status, dtype: int64
alt.Chart(df[['victory_status', 'winner', 'rated']]).mark_bar().encode(
    x = 'victory_status',
    y = 'count(victory_status)',
    color = 'winner',
    column = 'rated',
    tooltip = ['winner','count(victory_status)']

From the plot, it is hard to see the differences. Let’s calculate some numerical number.

not_rated = df.groupby('rated').victory_status.value_counts()[0]/len(df[df['rated'] == False])
rated = df.groupby('rated').victory_status.value_counts()[1]/len(df[df['rated'] == True])
not_rated #non-rated's percentage of each vicotry status
resign       0.554764
mate         0.310108
outoftime    0.078121
draw         0.057007
Name: victory_status, dtype: float64
rated #rated's percentage of each vicotry status
resign       0.552024
mate         0.323031
outoftime    0.082646
draw         0.042299
Name: victory_status, dtype: float64

As we can see, there is actually not too big of diffecnes for rated and not rated, was expecting people will surrander easier in non rated ones, seems like it is not the case.

Machine Learning Part 1

After the basic statistic, Let’s get into linear regression.

id rated created_at last_move_at turns victory_status winner increment_code white_id white_rating black_id black_rating moves opening_eco opening_name opening_ply format black_win white_win
0 TZJHLljE False 2017-08-31 20:06:40.000000000 2017-08-31 20:06:40.000000000 13 outoftime white 15+2 bourgris 1500 a-00 1191 d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5... D10 Slav Defense: Exchange Variation 5 rapid 0.0 1.0
1 l1NXvwaE True 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 16 resign black 5+10 a-00 1322 skinnerua 1261 d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6... B00 Nimzowitsch Defense: Kennedy Variation 4 blitz 1.0 0.0
2 mIICvQHh True 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 61 mate white 5+10 ischia 1496 a-00 1500 e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc... C20 King's Pawn Game: Leonardis Variation 3 blitz 0.0 1.0
3 kWKvrqYL True 2017-08-30 16:20:00.000000000 2017-08-30 16:20:00.000000000 61 mate white 20+0 daniamurashov 1439 adivanov2009 1454 d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O... D02 Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation 3 rapid 0.0 1.0
4 9tXo1AUZ True 2017-08-29 18:06:40.000000000 2017-08-29 18:06:40.000000000 95 mate white 30+3 nik221107 1523 adivanov2009 1469 e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nc6 d5 Nb4 a3 Na6 Nc3 Be7 b4 N... C41 Philidor Defense 5 rapid 0.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20053 EfqH7VVH True 2017-07-11 16:35:14.342000128 2017-07-11 16:40:36.076000000 24 resign white 10+10 belcolt 1691 jamboger 1220 d4 f5 e3 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 b6 Be2 Bb7 O-O Be7 Ne5... A80 Dutch Defense 2 blitz 0.0 1.0
20054 WSJDhbPl True 2017-07-10 14:48:09.760000000 2017-07-10 15:00:33.979000064 82 mate black 10+0 jamboger 1233 farrukhasomiddinov 1196 d4 d6 Bf4 e5 Bg3 Nf6 e3 exd4 exd4 d5 c3 Bd6 Bd... A41 Queen's Pawn 2 blitz 1.0 0.0
20055 yrAas0Kj True 2017-07-10 14:44:37.492999936 2017-07-10 14:47:30.327000064 35 mate white 10+0 jamboger 1219 schaaksmurf3 1286 d4 d5 Bf4 Nc6 e3 Nf6 c3 e6 Nf3 Be7 Bd3 O-O Nbd... D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack 3 blitz 0.0 1.0
20056 b0v4tRyF True 2017-07-10 14:15:27.019000064 2017-07-10 14:31:13.718000128 109 resign white 10+0 marcodisogno 1360 jamboger 1227 e4 d6 d4 Nf6 e5 dxe5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 Nd5 c4 Nb... B07 Pirc Defense 4 blitz 0.0 1.0
20057 N8G2JHGG True 2017-07-09 23:32:32.648999936 2017-07-09 23:44:49.348000000 78 mate black 10+0 jamboger 1235 ffbob 1339 d4 d5 Bf4 Na6 e3 e6 c3 Nf6 Nf3 Bd7 Nbd2 b5 Bd3... D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack 3 blitz 1.0 0.0

19676 rows × 19 columns

Linear Regression

This part would be using ‘turns’, ‘opeing_ply’, and ‘black_win’ or ‘white_win’ to predict the rating of each player.

First let’s split the dataset into 2 sub data frame and have a test and train set for each of them.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

Let’s start with predicting the black’s rating first

cols1 = ['turns', 'opening_ply', 'black_win']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df[cols1], df['black_rating'], test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
reg_black = LinearRegression(), y_train)

Let’s use both mean squered error and mean aboslute error to measure the accuracy of the prediction and see if it is overfitting.

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
mean_squared_error(reg_black.predict(X_train), y_train)
mean_squared_error(reg_black.predict(X_test), y_test)
mean_absolute_error(reg_black.predict(X_train), y_train)
mean_absolute_error(reg_black.predict(X_test), y_test)

Let’s do the same thing for white, see if there will be a difference.

cols2 = ['turns', 'opening_ply', 'white_win']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df[cols2], df['white_rating'], test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
reg_white = LinearRegression(), y_train)
mean_squared_error(reg_white.predict(X_train), y_train)
mean_squared_error(reg_white.predict(X_test), y_test)
mean_absolute_error(reg_white.predict(X_train), y_train)
mean_absolute_error(reg_white.predict(X_test), y_test)

Before the coclusion, let’s make an altair chart that plot the predicted values.

#first predict the whole dataset
df['black_pred'] = reg_black.predict(df[cols1])
df['white_pred'] = reg_white.predict(df[cols2])
id rated created_at last_move_at turns victory_status winner increment_code white_id white_rating ... black_rating moves opening_eco opening_name opening_ply format black_win white_win black_pred white_pred
0 TZJHLljE False 2017-08-31 20:06:40.000000000 2017-08-31 20:06:40.000000000 13 outoftime white 15+2 bourgris 1500 ... 1191 d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5... D10 Slav Defense: Exchange Variation 5 rapid 0.0 1.0 1492.716943 1593.759787
1 l1NXvwaE True 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 16 resign black 5+10 a-00 1322 ... 1261 d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6... B00 Nimzowitsch Defense: Kennedy Variation 4 blitz 1.0 0.0 1570.218338 1488.518709
2 mIICvQHh True 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 2017-08-30 21:53:20.000000000 61 mate white 5+10 ischia 1496 ... 1500 e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc... C20 King's Pawn Game: Leonardis Variation 3 blitz 0.0 1.0 1494.786898 1582.650804
3 kWKvrqYL True 2017-08-30 16:20:00.000000000 2017-08-30 16:20:00.000000000 61 mate white 20+0 daniamurashov 1439 ... 1454 d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O... D02 Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation 3 rapid 0.0 1.0 1494.786898 1582.650804
4 9tXo1AUZ True 2017-08-29 18:06:40.000000000 2017-08-29 18:06:40.000000000 95 mate white 30+3 nik221107 1523 ... 1469 e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nc6 d5 Nb4 a3 Na6 Nc3 Be7 b4 N... C41 Philidor Defense 5 rapid 0.0 1.0 1585.167206 1672.563933
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20053 EfqH7VVH True 2017-07-11 16:35:14.342000128 2017-07-11 16:40:36.076000000 24 resign white 10+10 belcolt 1691 ... 1220 d4 f5 e3 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 b6 Be2 Bb7 O-O Be7 Ne5... A80 Dutch Defense 2 blitz 0.0 1.0 1427.047899 1518.473716
20054 WSJDhbPl True 2017-07-10 14:48:09.760000000 2017-07-10 15:00:33.979000064 82 mate black 10+0 jamboger 1233 ... 1196 d4 d6 Bf4 e5 Bg3 Nf6 e3 exd4 exd4 d5 c3 Bd6 Bd... A41 Queen's Pawn 2 blitz 1.0 0.0 1592.582253 1494.708198
20055 yrAas0Kj True 2017-07-10 14:44:37.492999936 2017-07-10 14:47:30.327000064 35 mate white 10+0 jamboger 1219 ... 1286 d4 d5 Bf4 Nc6 e3 Nf6 c3 e6 Nf3 Be7 Bd3 O-O Nbd... D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack 3 blitz 0.0 1.0 1465.473400 1557.664123
20056 b0v4tRyF True 2017-07-10 14:15:27.019000064 2017-07-10 14:31:13.718000128 109 resign white 10+0 marcodisogno 1360 ... 1227 e4 d6 d4 Nf6 e5 dxe5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 Nd5 c4 Nb... B07 Pirc Defense 4 blitz 0.0 1.0 1574.927761 1657.399180
20057 N8G2JHGG True 2017-07-09 23:32:32.648999936 2017-07-09 23:44:49.348000000 78 mate black 10+0 jamboger 1235 ... 1339 d4 d5 Bf4 Na6 e3 e6 c3 Nf6 Nf3 Bd7 Nbd2 b5 Bd3... D00 Queen's Pawn Game: Mason Attack 3 blitz 1.0 0.0 1614.096120 1519.483213

19676 rows × 21 columns

use_cols = ['white_id','white_rating', 'white_pred','created_at','black_rating','format', 'black_pred']
sel = alt.selection_single(fields=['white_id'])
sel1 = alt.selection_single(fields=['white_id','white_rating', 'white_pred','created_at'])
a = alt.Chart(df[use_cols]).mark_circle().encode(
    x = 'black_rating',
    y = 'white_rating',
    color = 'format',
    tooltip = ['white_id', 'white_rating', 'white_pred']
b = alt.Chart(df[use_cols]).mark_circle().encode(
    x = 'black_pred',
    y = 'white_pred',
    color = 'format',
    tooltip = ['white_id', 'white_rating', 'white_pred', 'created_at' ]

Try couple clicks until you see there is multiple points on the second graph, you will see that it can predict points in the middle of the cluster a lot better than the ones on the edge.

Conclusion For Using ‘opeing_ply’ and ‘turns’ to Predict Ratings

Before ploting it, just judge it by the mean absolute error, the prediction seems reasonalbe and not overfitting, since the test set does better than the train set. However, when we plot the prediction next to the actual rating we can see that the prediction is actually very pathetic just by its shape. The prediciton seems like a linear line, because I use linear regression, but all the values centered at 1300-2200. This shows that number of opening moves and total moves does not correlate to ratings at all.

Chess Library

!pip install chess==1.9.1
import chess
board = chess.Board()
Requirement already satisfied: chess==1.9.1 in /root/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages (1.9.1)
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.1.1; however, version 22.1.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/root/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

Let’s try to see what the first 6 moves looks like the first 6 moves of one of the chess game and its opening name.

board = chess.Board()
for i in range(1,7):
Slav Defense: Exchange Variation

We only could get the first six moves because it splited in the data frame, if we want the final position of a game we can do something like this.

board = chess.Board()
all_move = df.loc[0,'moves'].split()
for i in all_move:

We can check if it is stillmate or checkmate by using is_stalemate() or is_checkmate()


Here I am going to define a function that takes in a board as input and output each side’s total pieces value, a pawn is 1, knight and bishop are both 3, rook is 5, and queen is 9. This is the convention of each chess peice’s value, some may argue that bishop is 3.5, but here we will just use 3. The approach I am going to take is to check every single square and use

def board_value(board):
    white = 0
    black = 0
    for i in range(0,64):
        x = board.piece_type_at(i)
        if board.color_at(i) == True:
            if x == 1:
                white =+ 1
            elif x == 2 or x == 3:
                white =+ 3
            elif x == 4: 
                white =+ 5
            elif x == 5:
                white =+ 9
            if x == 1:
                black =+ 1
            elif x == 2 or x == 3:
                black =+ 3
            elif x == 4: 
                black =+ 5
            elif x == 5:
                black =+ 9
    return white, black

We will use this function to help us manipulate some raw data.

Machine Learning Part 2

For this part of machine Learning I will be using the final board’s value to predict the winner of the game with logsitic regression. But first, I will need to turn all the moves for each game into the final board position and use board_value to calculatethe valaue of it then the machine learning part will start.

def final_board(moves):
    board = chess.Board()
    all_move = moves.split()
    for i in all_move:
    return board
df3['board'] = final_board(df3.iloc[0,0])

I found something that was not expected, which is pandas DataFrame can actually store board in it. Thinking about it, it kind of makes snese, since board is an object and DataFrame can store all sorts of objects.

So lets covert all the moves to become a board in df3 using final_board

df3['board'] = df3['moves'].map(final_board)

Instead of storing white’s and black’s value, I will store the difference postivie being white has more and negative being black has more.

df3['values'] = df3['board'].map(board_value)
df3['values'] = df3['values'].map(lambda x: x[0]- x[1])
moves white_win board values
0 d4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5 e6 dxe6 fxe6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Ba5... True r n b q k . n r\np p . . . . p p\n. . p . p . ... -2
1 d4 Nc6 e4 e5 f4 f6 dxe5 fxe5 fxe5 Nxe5 Qd4 Nc6... False r . b q k . n r\np p p p . . p p\n. . . . . . ... -4
2 e4 e5 d3 d6 Be3 c6 Be2 b5 Nd2 a5 a4 c5 axb5 Nc... True . . . . . . . .\n. . . . . P . .\n. . P . . . ... 0
3 d4 d5 Nf3 Bf5 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4 Ng4 e3 Nc6 Be2 Qd7 O... True . . . . . . . r\nR . . . . . Q p\n. . p . . . ... 4
4 e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nc6 d5 Nb4 a3 Na6 Nc3 Be7 b4 N... True . . . . . . Q .\n. . . . . . . R\n. . . . . . ... 8
... ... ... ... ...
20053 d4 f5 e3 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 b6 Be2 Bb7 O-O Be7 Ne5... True r n . q . k . r\np b p . b . . .\n. p . . p n ... -2
20054 d4 d6 Bf4 e5 Bg3 Nf6 e3 exd4 exd4 d5 c3 Bd6 Bd... False . Q . . . . . .\n. . . . . N k .\n. p . . . . ... 8
20055 d4 d5 Bf4 Nc6 e3 Nf6 c3 e6 Nf3 Be7 Bd3 O-O Nbd... True r . b . q r . .\np . p n b k . Q\n. p . . p p ... 4
20056 e4 d6 d4 Nf6 e5 dxe5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 Nd5 c4 Nb... True . . R . . . . .\n. Q . . . . . .\n. . . . . . ... 4
20057 d4 d5 Bf4 Na6 e3 e6 c3 Nf6 Nf3 Bd7 Nbd2 b5 Bd3... False . . . K q . . .\n. . P . . k . .\n. . . . p . ... -8

19676 rows × 4 columns

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df3[['values']], df3['white_win'], test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
clf = LogisticRegression(), y_train)

Let’s check the score on both train and test set.

clf.score(X_train, y_train)
clf.score(X_test, y_test)

We get about 15 wrong prediction every 100 prediction we make. So, the prediction is not great nor awful, but one thing we know is that it is definitly not over fitting. The train score and the test score have very similar performance. x


First, we can see that some basic statistics of chess, such as which side wins more. We also found out that number of opening and total turns does not really correlate to ratings. At the end, we try to use the chess library’s help to covert my raw data into some thing I will be intrest in, and eventually did logistic regression prediction the rating from final board’s total value. After this, I understand that the most diffcult part of machine laerning, is not fitting nor predicting, sicne we can just use a library like sklearn, but the most challenging part is to turn raw data into something that can be use to do the machine learning process.


  • What is the source of your dataset(s)?

From Kaggle: Chess Dataset

  • Were any portions of the code or ideas taken from another source? List those sources here and say how they were used.

Covering Unix to Datetime stack over flow

Interactive graph course notes

Chess Library documantation

  • List other references that you found helpful.

Altari Graph documantation

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