Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis

In this worksheet, we’ll investigate the indexData.csv file using the techniques from class so far as well as some new methods. These questions are designed to help with Homework 1 (due Tuesday night).

  • Start by importing the pandas library and abbreviating it by pd.

  • Read in the contents of indexData.csv and save the result with the variable name df.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("../data/indexData.csv")

describe and info

  • Change the title of this section from “Section 1” to “describe and info”. Be sure it still remains a heading.

  • Evaluate df.describe().

Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
count 110253.000000 110253.000000 110253.000000 110253.000000 110253.000000 1.102530e+05
mean 7658.515222 7704.372961 7608.000422 7657.545872 7657.351729 1.273975e+09
std 9011.478913 9066.638548 8954.506981 9011.510444 9011.608900 4.315783e+09
min 54.869999 54.869999 54.869999 54.869999 54.869999 0.000000e+00
25% 1855.030029 1864.510010 1843.979980 1855.060059 1854.179565 0.000000e+00
50% 5194.089844 5226.279785 5154.049805 5194.750000 5194.750000 4.329000e+05
75% 10134.299810 10207.820310 10060.349610 10134.830080 10134.830080 1.734314e+08
max 68775.062500 69403.750000 68516.992190 68775.062500 68775.062500 9.440374e+10

This df.describe() isn’t very useful in this case because it combines values for many different stock exchanges.

  • Make a new DataFrame dfny containing only the New York stock exchange info “NYA”. (Use Boolean indexing.)

  • Check your answer: the shape of dfny should be (13948, 8).

  • Call the describe method on dfny.

  • What is the mean value in the “Close” column? What is the median value in the “Close” column? (Do you find the difference surprising?)

dfny = df[df["Name"]=="NYA"]
(13948, 8)
Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
count 13947.000000 13947.000000 13947.000000 13947.000000 13947.000000 1.394700e+04
mean 4451.778151 4468.236552 4433.695014 4452.174711 4452.174711 1.215565e+09
std 4074.953735 4095.166918 4052.801658 4075.459366 4075.459366 1.834155e+09
min 347.769989 347.769989 347.769989 347.769989 347.769989 0.000000e+00
25% 654.940002 654.940002 654.940002 654.940002 654.940002 0.000000e+00
50% 2631.800049 2631.800049 2631.800049 2631.800049 2631.800049 0.000000e+00
75% 7339.489990 7375.719971 7276.889893 7337.935059 7337.935059 2.681975e+09
max 16590.429690 16685.890630 16531.949220 16590.429690 16590.429690 1.145623e+10

We can see that the mean value of “Close” is approximately 4452 and the median value is approximately 2631. This is an example where mean and median are very different.

  • I personally find this describe info easier to read if the DataFrame is transposed. Use .T to transpose the data.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Open 13947.0 4.451778e+03 4.074954e+03 347.769989 654.940002 2631.800049 7.339490e+03 1.659043e+04
High 13947.0 4.468237e+03 4.095167e+03 347.769989 654.940002 2631.800049 7.375720e+03 1.668589e+04
Low 13947.0 4.433695e+03 4.052802e+03 347.769989 654.940002 2631.800049 7.276890e+03 1.653195e+04
Close 13947.0 4.452175e+03 4.075459e+03 347.769989 654.940002 2631.800049 7.337935e+03 1.659043e+04
Adj Close 13947.0 4.452175e+03 4.075459e+03 347.769989 654.940002 2631.800049 7.337935e+03 1.659043e+04
Volume 13947.0 1.215565e+09 1.834155e+09 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.681975e+09 1.145623e+10
  • For example, this tells us that 75% of the values in the “Close” column are below 7337.935, and 25% are above. Check this using Boolean indexing and then finding the length len(???) of the resulting DataFrame (len gives the number of rows).

  • What is some information visible in the result of df.info()?

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 112457 entries, 0 to 112456
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------     --------------   -----  
 0   Name       112457 non-null  object 
 1   Date       112457 non-null  object 
 2   Open       110253 non-null  float64
 3   High       110253 non-null  float64
 4   Low        110253 non-null  float64
 5   Close      110253 non-null  float64
 6   Adj Close  110253 non-null  float64
 7   Volume     110253 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(6), object(2)
memory usage: 6.9+ MB

dfny shows lots of information. For example, it says which columns have data type float.

  • Do you see how to count the number of missing values (or null values) in the “Open” column using the result of df.info()? Does your result match the result of df.Open.isna().sum(), which is the “usual” way to count missing values?

# Missing values


  • Define a new DataFrame dfhk containing only the info from the Hong Kong stock index, “HSI”. (Check: the shape of dfhk should be 8750 rows by 8 columns.)

dfhk = df[df["Name"]=="HSI"].copy()
  • Evaluate dfhk["Close"].value_counts(). This will tell you, for example, that 3066.00000 occurred 5 times in the “Close” column, and no other value occurred more than 3 times.

3066.000000     5
2584.500000     3
3083.000000     3
2990.000000     3
2871.000000     3
9254.120117     1
9402.389648     1
9425.419922     1
9146.799805     1
29151.800780    1
Name: Close, Length: 8336, dtype: int64

It might seem difficult to use value_counts on this data, because there isn’t much repetition. Here is a nice way.

  • Create a new column using the line dfhk["Diff"] = dfhk["High"] - dfhk["Low"]. If you get a pandas warning “A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame”, go back to the line where you defined dfhk and add a .copy() at the end of the line.

dfhk["Diff"] = dfhk["High"] - dfhk["Low"]
  • Look at the top 4 rows of dfhk, and notice how there is now a ninth column on the right. Try to access these rows two different ways: using iloc[:4] (this is called slicing) and using head(4).

Name Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume Diff
26638 HSI 12/31/86 2568.300049 2568.300049 2568.300049 2568.300049 2568.300049 0.0 0.0
26639 HSI 1/1/87 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
26640 HSI 1/2/87 2540.100098 2540.100098 2540.100098 2540.100098 2540.100098 0.0 0.0
26641 HSI 1/5/87 2552.399902 2552.399902 2552.399902 2552.399902 2552.399902 0.0 0.0
Name Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume Diff
26638 HSI 12/31/86 2568.300049 2568.300049 2568.300049 2568.300049 2568.300049 0.0 0.0
26639 HSI 1/1/87 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
26640 HSI 1/2/87 2540.100098 2540.100098 2540.100098 2540.100098 2540.100098 0.0 0.0
26641 HSI 1/5/87 2552.399902 2552.399902 2552.399902 2552.399902 2552.399902 0.0 0.0
  • Make a new column called “Volatility” (I’m not sure if this is the technical definition, so I’m just using the word informally) which is the “Diff” column divided by the “Open” column.

dfhk["Volatility"] = dfhk["Diff"]/dfhk["Open"]
  • Write a markdown cell explaining in words what the “Volatility” column represents.

This “Volatility” column indicates what proportion of the opening value the stocks swung during the day.

  • Check the value_counts for this column using dfhk["Volatility"].value_counts(). It looks pretty useless.

0.000000    576
0.094471      2
0.007531      2
0.005545      2
0.014085      2
0.010021      1
0.026140      1
0.010504      1
0.018395      1
0.010810      1
Name: Volatility, Length: 7909, dtype: int64
  • But here’s a nice trick. If we compute dfhk["Volatility"].round(2), what is the result?

This rounds each to two decimal places.

26638    0.00
26639     NaN
26640    0.00
26641    0.00
26642    0.00
35383    0.02
35384    0.01
35385    0.01
35386    0.01
35387    0.01
Name: Volatility, Length: 8750, dtype: float64
  • Now apply value_counts to that rounded result.

0.01    4876
0.02    1974
0.00     826
0.03     533
0.04     160
0.05      59
0.06      28
0.07      14
0.08       9
0.09       7
0.11       2
0.13       2
0.17       1
0.10       1
Name: Volatility, dtype: int64
  • Answer the following quesiton in a markdown cell: How many days in the dataset did the Hong Kong stock market move 6%?

According to this information, it seems like on 28 days, the stock market moved 6% during the day.

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