Homework 2

Author: BLANK

Collaborators: BLANK

References: BLANK

Question 1

  • Load the “penguins” dataset using the load_dataset function from the Seaborn library. Save this dataset with the variable name df. (Don’t forget to import Seaborn. Assign Seaborn the abbreviation sns.)

  • How many rows are there in this dataset? How many columns? Answer this question using code, and then put the answer in a markdown cell. (So your notebook should include both the code cell to find the answer, as well as the markdown cell giving the answer.)

Question 2

  • Which of the columns in the penguins dataset include missing data? Make a list of them using list comprehension.

  • Same question for the rows.

  • Display the sub-DataFrame of df which contains all the columns but only the rows which are missing data.

  • Check that your sub-DataFrame is correct: the median value in the flipper_length_mm column should be 193.0.

Question 3

  • Evaluate df.corr() to view the correlations between the different numeric columns in the DataFrame.

  • Which two columns are the most negatively correlated? Answer in a markdown cell.

Question 4

  • Find a picture illustrating negative correlation (nothing to do with penguins). Upload that picture into Deepnote (the same way you upload a csv file into Deepnote), and replace the below penguins picture with your negative correlation picture. Also update the link to indicate where the picture came from.

a picture of penguins (Source: flickr)

Question 5

  • For the two most negatively correlated columns in the penguins DataFrame, draw a scatter plot of those columns using Altair and mark_circle.

  • By default, Altair includes zero in the x and y-axes. Remove zero from both axes using this method. (This should have the effect of zooming in on the data.)

  • Can you see how the data is indeed negatively correlated?

Question 6

  • Add color to your chart encoding the species of the penguins.

Question 7

  • Do these columns seem negatively correlated for the Gentoo species? Answer in a markdown cell using the Altair chart.

  • Make a sub-DataFrame called df_gentoo which contains only the “Gentoo” species and which contains only the two columns of interest.

  • Compute df_gentoo.corr() for this new DataFrame.

  • Does the result match what you thought visually? Answer in one sentence in a markdown cell.

Question 8

  • Using a for loop and f-strings, for each species in df, print a sentence of the form “The correlation between colA and colB for the {???} species is {???}”. (Replace colA and colB with the names of the columns you have been using above. In the Gentoo line, you should see the same number that you calculated above.)

Question 9

Choose one example from the Altair example gallery and make a chart from the penguins data using that same technique. Give a link to the original example from the Altair gallery in a markdown cell.


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Created in deepnote.com Created in Deepnote