Replace this with your project title#

Author:Derek Jiang

Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, F22


In this project, I will be using different stock prices and volume inside the dataset to predict different gas companies in the US, specifically, from 2015 to 2022. I will also perform some machine learning algorithms to find out which information play the most important role in determining the gas company names. Additionally, I will explore the relationship between these prices during the Covid Pandemic using different graphs and find out some interesting features.


In this section, I will perform basic data cleaning and sorting so I can obtain the data from 2015 to 2022 `

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype

alt.data_transformers.enable('default', max_rows=20000)
df = pd.read_csv("oil and gas stock prices.csv")
Date        False
Symbol      False
Open        False
High        False
Low         False
Close       False
Volume      False
Currency    False
dtype: bool

We performed the above analysis to ensure there is any missing value that needs to be dropped in the dataset. We will also rename column “Symbol” to “Company” for better understanding.

df["Year"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"]).dt.year
Date Company Open High Low Close Volume Currency Year
0 2000-01-03 XOM 39.75 40.38 38.94 39.16 13458200 USD 2000
1 2000-01-04 XOM 38.69 39.09 38.25 38.41 14510800 USD 2000
2 2000-01-05 XOM 39.00 40.88 38.91 40.50 17485000 USD 2000
3 2000-01-06 XOM 40.31 42.91 40.09 42.59 19462000 USD 2000
4 2000-01-07 XOM 42.97 43.12 42.00 42.47 16603800 USD 2000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
39196 2022-06-06 SLB 47.79 48.00 46.88 47.22 6696970 USD 2022
39197 2022-06-07 SLB 47.00 49.08 46.87 48.93 14692203 USD 2022
39198 2022-06-08 SLB 49.00 49.83 48.08 49.57 15067131 USD 2022
39199 2022-06-09 SLB 48.79 49.16 48.10 48.14 11447491 USD 2022
39200 2022-06-10 SLB 47.17 47.88 46.52 47.21 11291267 USD 2022

39201 rows × 9 columns

df_sub = df[df["Year"]>=2015].copy()
Date Company Open High Low Close Volume Currency Year
3773 2015-01-02 XOM 92.25 93.05 91.81 92.83 10220410 USD 2015
3774 2015-01-05 XOM 92.10 92.40 89.50 90.29 18502380 USD 2015
3775 2015-01-06 XOM 90.24 91.41 89.02 89.81 16670713 USD 2015
3776 2015-01-07 XOM 90.65 91.48 90.00 90.72 13590721 USD 2015
3777 2015-01-08 XOM 91.25 92.27 91.00 92.23 15487496 USD 2015
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
39196 2022-06-06 SLB 47.79 48.00 46.88 47.22 6696970 USD 2022
39197 2022-06-07 SLB 47.00 49.08 46.87 48.93 14692203 USD 2022
39198 2022-06-08 SLB 49.00 49.83 48.08 49.57 15067131 USD 2022
39199 2022-06-09 SLB 48.79 49.16 48.10 48.14 11447491 USD 2022
39200 2022-06-10 SLB 47.17 47.88 46.52 47.21 11291267 USD 2022

14992 rows × 9 columns

df1= df_sub[df_sub["Year"]<2020].copy()
df2= df_sub[df_sub["Year"]>=2020].copy()

df1 and df2 are created for future use and reference.

Use DecisionTreeClassifier to Predict#

Here is the process of using DecisionTreeClassifier algorithm to predict the company names.

col = list(c for c in df.columns if is_numeric_dtype(df[c]) and c != "Year")
['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
X = df_sub[col]
y = df_sub["Company"]
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X,y,train_size=0.9,random_state=0)

for n in range (10,300,10):
    clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=n, max_depth=10),y_train)
    c1 = clf.score(X_train,y_train)
    train_error = log_loss(y_train,clf.predict_proba(X_train))
    c2 = clf.score(X_test,y_test)
    test_error = log_loss(y_test,clf.predict_proba(X_test))
0.595612214645716 0.5653333333333334
0.6278535428402016 0.5873333333333334
0.633782982508153 0.5906666666666667
0.6420841980432849 0.592
0.6483101096946339 0.596
0.6537948413874889 0.602
0.6566113252297658 0.5986666666666667
0.6595760450637415 0.5926666666666667
0.6612807589682775 0.5993333333333334
0.6656537207233917 0.604
0.6680996145864215 0.606
0.6723243403498369 0.6053333333333333
0.6752149421879632 0.604
0.676697302104951 0.6046666666666667
0.6785502520011859 0.604
0.6801808479098725 0.6026666666666667
0.6815149718351616 0.604
0.6830714497479988 0.6
0.6847761636525348 0.598
0.6863326415653721 0.598
0.687444411503113 0.5966666666666667
0.6890008894159502 0.5973333333333334
0.6898161873702935 0.5973333333333334
0.6909279573080344 0.598
0.6917432552623777 0.596
0.6927809072042692 0.596
0.6935220871627631 0.5966666666666667
0.6942632671212571 0.596
0.6947820930922027 0.594

After getting the Classifier score, it is actually hard to tell if there is overfitting since testing score lingers between 0.59 and 0.6, and there is no decreasing trend. Therefore, we will use log_loss to decide.

{10: 1.0812891154170061,
 20: 0.9896847563014075,
 30: 0.9382078193185537,
 40: 0.9169126035759071,
 50: 0.900539187588461,
 60: 0.8854427824277942,
 70: 0.8747012929417599,
 80: 0.8604820619732938,
 90: 0.8507974757172453,
 100: 0.8406493847623785,
 110: 0.8347866058173616,
 120: 0.8265968395583174,
 130: 0.8200357404579073,
 140: 0.8146304014111525,
 150: 0.8080306573315309,
 160: 0.802870039758331,
 170: 0.7983158465323297,
 180: 0.7937957863775058,
 190: 0.7895915500563069,
 200: 0.7854871396502136,
 210: 0.7820128042924549,
 220: 0.7784909600267844,
 230: 0.7748253598046382,
 240: 0.771312220805663,
 250: 0.7677814789705256,
 260: 0.7653361200115115,
 270: 0.7610058304789458,
 280: 0.7593816733219914,
 290: 0.7569965460923642}
{10: 1.1328453247775379,
 20: 1.074657937019123,
 30: 1.1082730713990587,
 40: 1.1397578808616415,
 50: 1.1730913694552925,
 60: 1.1816878047851145,
 70: 1.1795811958089182,
 80: 1.2200310764935527,
 90: 1.3026991467011386,
 100: 1.2940687583226973,
 110: 1.2880236700166048,
 120: 1.373190401980762,
 130: 1.3735110697012538,
 140: 1.392618143384284,
 150: 1.4346567208537615,
 160: 1.4579187536755145,
 170: 1.4766685169505254,
 180: 1.5206393530926234,
 190: 1.5653699274293023,
 200: 1.6061985841473603,
 210: 1.655790868882344,
 220: 1.7400863735961696,
 230: 1.80452497020446,
 240: 1.8640202628351787,
 250: 1.9055340245139187,
 260: 1.9758916386215357,
 270: 2.0159316346527256,
 280: 2.0399387705014256,
 290: 2.1292321916787276}

From the log_loss result, we can see that after n=70, the testing error starts increasing drastically, so overfitting occurs after n=70.

clf=DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=70, max_depth=10),y_train)
DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=10, max_leaf_nodes=70)
arr = clf.predict(X_train)
fig = plt.figure()
_= plot_tree(clf,
                  filled = True)

Use K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier to Predict#

After using DecisionTreeClassifier, I want to see if there is a better Classifier algorithm that can be applied to this dataset, and I decide to try KNeighbor method with the guidance of additional classnotes

kcl = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=10),y_train)
def kscore(k):
    kcl = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k),y_train)
    a = kcl.score(X_train,y_train)
    b = kcl.score(X_test,y_test)
    return (a,b)
[(0.4293655499555292, 0.2826666666666667),
 (0.39112066409724283, 0.3006666666666667),
 (0.3733323450933887, 0.31133333333333335),
 (0.36214052772013045, 0.31533333333333335)]

As we see from the result, the test score is considerably smaller than that of DecisionTreeClassifier, and so the prediction is not as accurate as DecisionTreeClassifier

Using DecisionTreeClassifier on df1#

Now I will use DecisionTreeClassifier on datasets before and after the pandemic occured, and I want to find out two most important features in predicting the companies.

Date Company Open High Low Close Volume Currency Year
3773 2015-01-02 XOM 92.25 93.05 91.81 92.83 10220410 USD 2015
3774 2015-01-05 XOM 92.10 92.40 89.50 90.29 18502380 USD 2015
3775 2015-01-06 XOM 90.24 91.41 89.02 89.81 16670713 USD 2015
3776 2015-01-07 XOM 90.65 91.48 90.00 90.72 13590721 USD 2015
3777 2015-01-08 XOM 91.25 92.27 91.00 92.23 15487496 USD 2015
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
38580 2019-12-24 SLB 40.74 40.93 40.35 40.65 3860440 USD 2019
38581 2019-12-26 SLB 40.86 40.88 39.93 40.07 7629938 USD 2019
38582 2019-12-27 SLB 40.13 40.38 39.83 40.00 6769230 USD 2019
38583 2019-12-30 SLB 40.01 40.75 40.00 40.40 8159958 USD 2019
38584 2019-12-31 SLB 40.01 40.22 39.53 40.20 10649715 USD 2019

10064 rows × 9 columns

X1 = df1[col]
y1 = df1["Company"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X1,y1,train_size=0.9,random_state=1)
clf1 = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=9),y_train)
pd.Series(clf1.feature_importances_,index= clf1.feature_names_in_)
Open      0.188328
High      0.278792
Low       0.083583
Close     0.150710
Volume    0.298586
dtype: float64

Using DecisionTreeClassifier on df2#

Date Company Open High Low Close Volume Currency Year
5031 2020-01-02 XOM 70.24 71.02 70.24 70.90 12406912 USD 2020
5032 2020-01-03 XOM 71.34 71.37 70.16 70.33 17390568 USD 2020
5033 2020-01-06 XOM 70.32 71.36 70.23 70.87 20082492 USD 2020
5034 2020-01-07 XOM 70.50 70.52 69.51 70.29 17496314 USD 2020
5035 2020-01-08 XOM 70.11 70.28 69.17 69.23 15140731 USD 2020
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
39196 2022-06-06 SLB 47.79 48.00 46.88 47.22 6696970 USD 2022
39197 2022-06-07 SLB 47.00 49.08 46.87 48.93 14692203 USD 2022
39198 2022-06-08 SLB 49.00 49.83 48.08 49.57 15067131 USD 2022
39199 2022-06-09 SLB 48.79 49.16 48.10 48.14 11447491 USD 2022
39200 2022-06-10 SLB 47.17 47.88 46.52 47.21 11291267 USD 2022

4928 rows × 9 columns

X2 = df2[col]
y2 = df2["Company"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X2,y2,train_size=0.9,random_state=1)
clf2 = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5),y_train)
pd.Series(clf2.feature_importances_,index= clf2.feature_names_in_)
Open      0.169637
High      0.370563
Low       0.021609
Close     0.000000
Volume    0.438191
dtype: float64

High Price and Volume Relationship#

Now we have seen that High Price and Volume play the two most important roles in predicting the companies. We want to explore the relationship between these two.

c1 = alt.Chart(df1).mark_circle().encode(
    x = "High",
    y = "Volume",
    color = "Company",
    tooltip =["Date","High","Volume"],
    title = "Before Covid"

c2 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_circle().encode(
    x = "High",
    y = "Volume",
    color = "Company",
    tooltip =["Date","High","Volume"],
    title = "During Covid"

From the graphs, it is clear that before covid happened, Volume values stay relatively low no matter how High price changes. After covid, Volume drastically rised up, but we cannot exactly explain the relationship yet.

sel = alt.selection_single(fields=["Company"],bind="legend")
c3 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_circle().encode(
    x = "High",
    y = "Volume",
    color = alt.condition(sel,"Company",alt.value("lightgrey")),
    opacity =alt.condition(sel,alt.value(1),alt.value(0.1)),
    tooltip =["Date","High","Volume"],
    title = "During Covid"

By using selection on Company, every company’s data point can be seen in the graph, but it is still not the best visual effect.

c4 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_circle().encode(
    x = "High",
    y = "Volume",
    color = "Year",
    tooltip =["Date","High","Volume"],
    height = 200,
    width = 200,
    column = "Company"

Using Facet gives a very clear view of each company’s volume and high price relationship from 2020-2022. The majority of the companeis stock volume were high at low high price at 2020, and as time went on and high price went up, volume stayed roughly the same or gradually decreased.

Now, we want to use the predicted Companies to plot and see the relationship between High Price and Volume in df2

df3 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in X_test.index:
Pred Date Open High Low Close Volume Company
0 MRO 2020-07-31 5.48 5.54 5.36 5.49 21249456 MRO
1 VLO 2021-03-08 80.00 82.60 79.54 80.56 4834572 VLO
2 VLO 2021-11-02 78.10 79.97 77.55 77.55 4544319 PSX
3 XOM 2021-12-17 70.90 71.10 68.50 68.61 22942540 COP
4 CVX 2020-08-13 89.87 91.28 89.76 89.82 7314642 CVX
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
488 CVX 2022-01-28 86.16 89.20 81.98 84.25 6743044 PSX
489 MRO 2020-06-18 19.31 20.23 19.19 20.18 15867733 SLB
490 XOM 2022-04-12 85.71 86.82 85.38 85.60 22020304 XOM
491 COP 2021-08-30 60.33 60.49 58.87 58.93 6128928 MPC
492 MPC 2021-01-21 46.20 46.46 45.01 45.39 5204738 MPC

493 rows × 8 columns

sel = alt.selection_single(fields=["Pred"])
c5 = alt.Chart(df3).mark_line().encode(
    x = "High",
    y = "Volume",
    color = alt.condition(sel,"Pred",alt.value("lightgrey")),
    opacity =alt.condition(sel,alt.value(1),alt.value(0.1)),
    tooltip =["Date","High","Volume"],
    title = "During Covid(Predicted)"

c6 = alt.Chart(df3).mark_line().encode(
    x = "High",
    y = "Volume",
    color = alt.condition(sel,"Company",alt.value("lightgrey")),
    opacity =alt.condition(sel,alt.value(1),alt.value(0.1)),
    tooltip =["Date","High","Volume"],
    title = "During Covid(Original)"


Comparing the predicted one with original one, the overall trend still matched well. The accuracy can be calculated as below, which corresponds to the test score. And the highest volume occured on 03/09/2022 on both graphs.


Additional Findings#

After seeing the relationship between Volume and High Price, I want to use another way to show the date on which the highest volume occured and explore which High Price occured the most frequently in df2. To do this, I will include some codes reference learned from Kaggle.

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import as px
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (15, 6))["Date"], df2["Volume"])
ax.set_xlabel("Date", fontsize = 10)
ax.set_ylabel("Volume", fontsize = 10)
plt.title('Volume Trend', fontsize = 20)

The above graph is a volume trend of original df2 data, and we can see that one top volume occured slightly before 03/16/2020, which still corresponds to the above result found in the graph

plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
sns.distplot(df2["High"], color= "#FFD500")
plt.title("Distribution of open prices of US Oil and Gas stocks", fontweight = "bold", fontsize = 20)
plt.xlabel("High Price", fontsize = 10)

print("Maximum High price of stock ever obtained:", df2["High"].max())
print("Minimum High price of stock ever obtained:", df2["High"].min())
/shared-libs/python3.7/py-core/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ UserWarning: 

`distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0.

Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with
similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms).

For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see

Maximum High price of stock ever obtained: 182.4
Minimum High price of stock ever obtained: 3.29
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
sns.distplot(df3["High"], color= "#FFD500")
plt.title("Distribution of open prices of US Oil and Gas stocks", fontweight = "bold", fontsize = 20)
plt.xlabel("High Price", fontsize = 10)

print("Maximum High price of stock ever obtained:", df3["High"].max())
print("Minimum High price of stock ever obtained:", df3["High"].min())
/shared-libs/python3.7/py-core/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ UserWarning: 

`distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0.

Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with
similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms).

For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see

Maximum High price of stock ever obtained: 180.64
Minimum High price of stock ever obtained: 4.14

From both distribution graphs, we can see that the High Price that occurs the most stays around 60. The predicted graph does a good job showing this interesting fact.


Either summarize what you did, or summarize the results. Maybe 3 sentences.

DecisionTreeClassifier, as a more accurate algorithm compared with K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier, helped me predict the companies using different stock prices and volume. Through exploring the relationship between High Price and Volume, I came to see both overall trend and individual trend of each company. Besides, I found out the date on which the highest volume occurs and the most frequently occured High Price.


Your code above should include references. Here is some additional space for references.

  • What is the source of your dataset(s)?

This Dataset is from Kaggle:

  • List any other references that you found helpful.

Reference 1: This is used as a guide to predict companies in the dataset

Reference 2: I borrowed the codes of volume trending and the Distribution of High Price to graph


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