Car Price Prediction#

Author: Kexin Sun

Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, F22


My project is to predict the price of future cars by analyzing the data in the data set. I first found out the brands with high sales volume, and then determined the factors affecting the price of the car by analyzing the correlation between various variables. I used Linear regression and train_test_split to analyze the prediction. I mainly analyzed the three most important factors: enginesize, curbweight, and horsepower to increase the accuracy of the model.

Main portion of the project#

Data Loading#

import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as px
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
car_ID symboling CarName fueltype aspiration doornumber carbody drivewheel enginelocation wheelbase ... enginesize fuelsystem boreratio stroke compressionratio horsepower peakrpm citympg highwaympg price
0 1 3 alfa-romero giulia gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 ... 130 mpfi 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 13495.0
1 2 3 alfa-romero stelvio gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 ... 130 mpfi 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 16500.0
2 3 1 alfa-romero Quadrifoglio gas std two hatchback rwd front 94.5 ... 152 mpfi 2.68 3.47 9.0 154 5000 19 26 16500.0
3 4 2 audi 100 ls gas std four sedan fwd front 99.8 ... 109 mpfi 3.19 3.40 10.0 102 5500 24 30 13950.0
4 5 2 audi 100ls gas std four sedan 4wd front 99.4 ... 136 mpfi 3.19 3.40 8.0 115 5500 18 22 17450.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
200 201 -1 volvo 145e (sw) gas std four sedan rwd front 109.1 ... 141 mpfi 3.78 3.15 9.5 114 5400 23 28 16845.0
201 202 -1 volvo 144ea gas turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 ... 141 mpfi 3.78 3.15 8.7 160 5300 19 25 19045.0
202 203 -1 volvo 244dl gas std four sedan rwd front 109.1 ... 173 mpfi 3.58 2.87 8.8 134 5500 18 23 21485.0
203 204 -1 volvo 246 diesel turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 ... 145 idi 3.01 3.40 23.0 106 4800 26 27 22470.0
204 205 -1 volvo 264gl gas turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 ... 141 mpfi 3.78 3.15 9.5 114 5400 19 25 22625.0

205 rows × 26 columns

(205, 26)
df["Brand"]=df["CarName"].apply(lambda x:x.split(" ")[0])
array(['alfa-romero', 'audi', 'bmw', 'chevrolet', 'dodge', 'honda',
       'isuzu', 'jaguar', 'maxda', 'mazda', 'buick', 'mercury',
       'mitsubishi', 'Nissan', 'nissan', 'peugeot', 'plymouth', 'porsche',
       'porcshce', 'renault', 'saab', 'subaru', 'toyota', 'toyouta',
       'vokswagen', 'volkswagen', 'vw', 'volvo'], dtype=object)

Data Visualization#

c = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
    x = "Brand",
    y = "count()",
).properties(title="Sales of Each Brand"

According to the above chart, we can see that Toyota has the highest sales volume.

alfa-romeo    15498.333333
audi          17859.166714
bmw           26118.750000
buick         33647.000000
chevrolet      6007.000000
dodge          7875.444444
honda          8184.692308
isuzu          8916.500000
jaguar        34600.000000
mazda         10652.882353
mercury       16503.000000
mitsubishi     9239.769231
nissan        10415.666667
peugeot       15489.090909
plymouth       7963.428571
porcshce      32528.000000
porsche       31118.625000
renault        9595.000000
saab          15223.333333
subaru         8541.250000
toyota         9885.812500
volvo         18063.181818
vw            10077.500000
Name: price, dtype: float64
fig =, x=avg.index, y=avg)

According to the above chart, we can see that the average selling price of Buick and Jaguar are higher than that of other brands.

Find the correlation#

car_ID                int64
symboling             int64
fueltype             object
aspiration           object
doornumber           object
carbody              object
drivewheel           object
enginelocation       object
wheelbase           float64
carlength           float64
carwidth            float64
carheight           float64
curbweight            int64
enginetype           object
cylindernumber       object
enginesize            int64
fuelsystem           object
boreratio           float64
stroke              float64
compressionratio    float64
horsepower            int64
peakrpm               int64
citympg               int64
highwaympg            int64
price               float64
Brand                object
dtype: object
num_col = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object']).columns
num = df[num_col].drop(['car_ID'],axis=1)
cormatrix=num.corr()# find the correlationship among the dataset
symboling wheelbase carlength carwidth carheight curbweight enginesize boreratio stroke compressionratio horsepower peakrpm citympg highwaympg price
symboling 1.000000 -0.531954 -0.357612 -0.232919 -0.541038 -0.227691 -0.105790 -0.130051 -0.008735 -0.178515 0.070873 0.273606 -0.035823 0.034606 -0.079978
wheelbase -0.531954 1.000000 0.874587 0.795144 0.589435 0.776386 0.569329 0.488750 0.160959 0.249786 0.353294 -0.360469 -0.470414 -0.544082 0.577816
carlength -0.357612 0.874587 1.000000 0.841118 0.491029 0.877728 0.683360 0.606454 0.129533 0.158414 0.552623 -0.287242 -0.670909 -0.704662 0.682920
carwidth -0.232919 0.795144 0.841118 1.000000 0.279210 0.867032 0.735433 0.559150 0.182942 0.181129 0.640732 -0.220012 -0.642704 -0.677218 0.759325
carheight -0.541038 0.589435 0.491029 0.279210 1.000000 0.295572 0.067149 0.171071 -0.055307 0.261214 -0.108802 -0.320411 -0.048640 -0.107358 0.119336
curbweight -0.227691 0.776386 0.877728 0.867032 0.295572 1.000000 0.850594 0.648480 0.168790 0.151362 0.750739 -0.266243 -0.757414 -0.797465 0.835305
enginesize -0.105790 0.569329 0.683360 0.735433 0.067149 0.850594 1.000000 0.583774 0.203129 0.028971 0.809769 -0.244660 -0.653658 -0.677470 0.874145
boreratio -0.130051 0.488750 0.606454 0.559150 0.171071 0.648480 0.583774 1.000000 -0.055909 0.005197 0.573677 -0.254976 -0.584532 -0.587012 0.553173
stroke -0.008735 0.160959 0.129533 0.182942 -0.055307 0.168790 0.203129 -0.055909 1.000000 0.186110 0.080940 -0.067964 -0.042145 -0.043931 0.079443
compressionratio -0.178515 0.249786 0.158414 0.181129 0.261214 0.151362 0.028971 0.005197 0.186110 1.000000 -0.204326 -0.435741 0.324701 0.265201 0.067984
horsepower 0.070873 0.353294 0.552623 0.640732 -0.108802 0.750739 0.809769 0.573677 0.080940 -0.204326 1.000000 0.131073 -0.801456 -0.770544 0.808139
peakrpm 0.273606 -0.360469 -0.287242 -0.220012 -0.320411 -0.266243 -0.244660 -0.254976 -0.067964 -0.435741 0.131073 1.000000 -0.113544 -0.054275 -0.085267
citympg -0.035823 -0.470414 -0.670909 -0.642704 -0.048640 -0.757414 -0.653658 -0.584532 -0.042145 0.324701 -0.801456 -0.113544 1.000000 0.971337 -0.685751
highwaympg 0.034606 -0.544082 -0.704662 -0.677218 -0.107358 -0.797465 -0.677470 -0.587012 -0.043931 0.265201 -0.770544 -0.054275 0.971337 1.000000 -0.697599
price -0.079978 0.577816 0.682920 0.759325 0.119336 0.835305 0.874145 0.553173 0.079443 0.067984 0.808139 -0.085267 -0.685751 -0.697599 1.000000
plt.figure(figsize = (20,20))
sns.heatmap(cormatrix, annot=True)

From this graph we can see the correlation between the two variables.

df["price"] = df["price"].astype(int)
df2 = df.copy()
df2 = df2.merge(avg.reset_index(),how="left",on= "Brand")
bins = [0,10000,20000,40000]
label = ["cheap","ordinary","expensive"]
df["price_level"] = pd.cut(df2["price_y"],bins,right=False,labels=label)
car_ID symboling fueltype aspiration doornumber carbody drivewheel enginelocation wheelbase carlength ... boreratio stroke compressionratio horsepower peakrpm citympg highwaympg price Brand price_level
0 1 3 gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 168.8 ... 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 13495 alfa-romeo ordinary
1 2 3 gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 168.8 ... 3.47 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 16500 alfa-romeo ordinary
2 3 1 gas std two hatchback rwd front 94.5 171.2 ... 2.68 3.47 9.0 154 5000 19 26 16500 alfa-romeo ordinary
3 4 2 gas std four sedan fwd front 99.8 176.6 ... 3.19 3.40 10.0 102 5500 24 30 13950 audi ordinary
4 5 2 gas std four sedan 4wd front 99.4 176.6 ... 3.19 3.40 8.0 115 5500 18 22 17450 audi ordinary
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
200 201 -1 gas std four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.78 3.15 9.5 114 5400 23 28 16845 volvo ordinary
201 202 -1 gas turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.78 3.15 8.7 160 5300 19 25 19045 volvo ordinary
202 203 -1 gas std four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.58 2.87 8.8 134 5500 18 23 21485 volvo ordinary
203 204 -1 diesel turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.01 3.40 23.0 106 4800 26 27 22470 volvo ordinary
204 205 -1 gas turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.78 3.15 9.5 114 5400 19 25 22625 volvo ordinary

205 rows × 27 columns

The above are car brands in the same price range based on their average price.

cormatrix.sort_values(["price"], ascending = False, inplace = True)
price               1.000000
enginesize          0.874145
curbweight          0.835305
horsepower          0.808139
carwidth            0.759325
carlength           0.682920
wheelbase           0.577816
boreratio           0.553173
carheight           0.119336
stroke              0.079443
compressionratio    0.067984
symboling          -0.079978
peakrpm            -0.085267
citympg            -0.685751
highwaympg         -0.697599
Name: price, dtype: float64

We find a strong positive correlation between enginesize, curbweight, horsepower, carwidth, carlength and car price, while a strong negative correlation between citympg, highwaympg and car price.(Positive correlation: When one variable increases, another will also increase; Negative correlation: An increase in one variable and a decrease in another.)

Create Linear Regression for the above 7 factors#

reg = LinearRegression()
curbweight      3.083904
enginesize     83.155749
horsepower     47.807804
carwidth      630.832670
carlength     -31.697844
citympg       -61.820861
highwaympg     78.983351
dtype: float64
array([  3.08390409,  83.155749  ,  47.80780381, 630.83267019,
       -31.69784366, -61.82086051,  78.98335081])
df["Pred1"] = reg.predict(df[cols])
car_ID symboling fueltype aspiration doornumber carbody drivewheel enginelocation wheelbase carlength ... stroke compressionratio horsepower peakrpm citympg highwaympg price Brand price_level Pred1
0 1 3 gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 168.8 ... 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 13495 alfa-romeo ordinary 12830.140148
1 2 3 gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 168.8 ... 2.68 9.0 111 5000 21 27 16500 alfa-romeo ordinary 12830.140148
2 3 1 gas std two hatchback rwd front 94.5 171.2 ... 3.47 9.0 154 5000 19 26 16500 alfa-romeo ordinary 18415.125100
3 4 2 gas std four sedan fwd front 99.8 176.6 ... 3.40 10.0 102 5500 24 30 13950 audi ordinary 11131.888319
4 5 2 gas std four sedan 4wd front 99.4 176.6 ... 3.40 8.0 115 5500 18 22 17450 audi ordinary 15365.681176
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
200 201 -1 gas std four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.15 9.5 114 5400 23 28 16845 volvo ordinary 17483.555626
201 202 -1 gas turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.15 8.7 160 5300 19 25 19045 volvo ordinary 19929.103421
202 203 -1 gas std four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 2.87 8.8 134 5500 18 23 21485 volvo ordinary 21199.917464
203 204 -1 diesel turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.40 23.0 106 4800 26 27 22470 volvo ordinary 17986.504844
204 205 -1 gas turbo four sedan rwd front 109.1 188.8 ... 3.15 9.5 114 5400 19 25 22625 volvo ordinary 17833.118466

205 rows × 28 columns

We find seven factors that affect the price and make price forecast, which are enginesize, curbweight, horsepower, carwidth, carlength, citympg and highwaympg.

for i in cols:

The configuration of this Altair chart was adapted from

As can be seen from the figure above, enginesize, curbweight, horsepower, carwidth, carlength are positively correlated with price, while citympg, highwaympg are negatively correlated with price.

c2 = alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(


I built a linear regression model to predict future car prices. After comparing the influence of various factors on the final result, I identified three key factors, namely enginesize, curbweight and horsepower. It is also found that citympg, highwaympg and price will be negatively correlated. Based on the analysis of the three main factors, the results show that the accuracy of the model is nearly 91% on the training data set and about 50% on the test data set. The R square of the model is about 50%.




seaborn heatmap:



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