Worksheet 12#

Plots of polynomial regression curves#

Write a function polyreg_plot which takes four inputs: a pandas DataFrame df_data (which can be assumed to have two columns “x” and “y”), an integer degree with the default value of 1, an integer num_rows with the default value of -1, and an integer state with the default value of 0. The function should do the following.

  • If num_rows is -1, the function should set num_rows to the number of rows of df_data. (This assignment should go at the top of the body of the function. Use an if statement.)

  • Select num_rows random rows from df_data and define df to be a copy of these rows. Use the pandas DataFrame sample method with the keyword argument random_state=state to select these random rows. Use the copy method to make the copy.

  • For each integer value of d from 1 to degree, including degree, add a new column “xd” to df containing the d-th power of the “x” column. For example, when d=2, the column will be named “x2” and will be equal to df["x"]**2. Comment. If you’d rather use PolynomialFeatures instead of the “by-hand” method described here, that’s great. I wrote it this way in case we didn’t get to PolynomialFeatures.

  • Fit a scikit-learn LinearRegression object to this data, using columns “x1” to “xdegree” as the predictor columns and using “y” as the target column. For example, if degree=3, then we would be using the columns “x1”, “x2”, “x3”. (I believe it’s best to make all of the imports outside of the function, so like from sklearn.linear_model ... would be written outside of the function, probably in an earlier cell. The instantiate step, reg = LinearRegression() would be written inside the function.)

  • Using NumPy’s arange function, make a one-dimensional NumPy array containing the values -8, -7.9, -7.8, …, 7.8, 7.9, and then reshape this array so it has the same length and one column (using .reshape(???,???)… you should not need to type any numbers into reshape other than \(\pm 1\)). Name the resulting “column matrix” as X1.

  • Using list comprehension, make a list called Xlist containing X1, X1**2, …, X1**degree. Concatenate these side-by-side into a NumPy array X using X = np.concatenate(Xlist, axis=???). Comment. Again, you can replace this step with PolynomialFeatures if you want.

  • Convert X into a pandas DataFrame dfX with column names “x1” to “xdegree” as above. This DataFrame should have 160 rows and degree columns.

  • Use the Linear Regression object you fit above (don’t fit it again) to make predictions corresponding to the input dfX. Name the resulting array of predictions ypred. This NumPy array ypred should have length 160.

  • Using Matplotlib as in last week’s videos, make a Matplotlib Axes object containing a scatter-plot of the (x,y) points from df (use ax.scatter) and containing a traditional plot (a line chart, use ax.plot) of points (x1, y1) where x1 runs through the “x1” column of dfX and where y1 is the corresponding predicted value from ypred. Set the color of the line plot to red by using 'r' as the format specification. (Even if you’re an experienced Matplotlib user, please check the syntax from the video, because I want us to use the Object Oriented Matplotlib syntax, for example, using plt.subplots and ax.scatter instead of plt.scatter.)

  • The function should, as output, return the Matplotlib Figure object. (As I have it written, the function both shows the plot and also returns the figure object, so don’t worry if the figure shows up twice when you call the function. I’m not sure how to remove the extra display.)

Submission instructions#

  • Before evaluating the function, set a Matplotlib style using and one of the choices from I think it makes the most sense to do this outside of the function body.

  • Run the function with df_data as the attached sim_data.csv (read it in using pd.read_csv as usual), with num_rows=30, with degree=7, and with state as your student id number (if you are in a group, just choose one of your student id numbers.)

  • Save the resulting Matplotlib Figure object as a pickle file named wkst12-ans.pickle, as in the Worksheet 1 instructions, and upload that pickle file to Canvas.

  • If you want to check that your figure has been saved correctly, create a new notebook (or refresh this one) and run the following code (let me know if you see an easier approach):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

with open("wkst12-ans.pickle", "rb") as f:
    fig = pickle.load(f)


Important for Midterm 2#

Not to be turned in but important for the next midterm. How do the predicted plots (the red curves) change as we use higher degrees? How do they change as we use smaller or larger subsets of the data (i.e., as we use fewer rows or more rows)?


Every group member needs to submit this on Canvas (even if you all submit the same file).


Submit the pickle file on Canvas, as described in the instructions above.