Week 9 Wednesday#


  • Online Quiz 6 answers should now be visible at the assignment. Can you see them?

  • I have office hours at 1pm today, in my office, RH 440J.

  • Videos and video quizzes posted; due Monday before lecture.

  • I haven’t decided if there will be a Quiz in Week 10 (maybe due Thursday?). If there is, it will be online like Quiz 6.

Course project#

  • Instructions are posted in the course notes.

  • Worksheet 16 (due Tuesday) is designed to get you started on the project.

  • What I most want from the project is to see what you learned in Math 10. It’s fine to follow a tutorial (as long as you reference it), but most of the grade will be based on the connection to the Math 10 material.

  • The two submissions have two different templates. One template for Worksheet 16; one template for the Course Project (in the Project folder on Deepnote).

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