Week 9 Wednesday
Week 9 Wednesday#
Online Quiz 6 answers should now be visible at the assignment. Can you see them?
I have office hours at 1pm today, in my office, RH 440J.
Videos and video quizzes posted; due Monday before lecture.
I haven’t decided if there will be a Quiz in Week 10 (maybe due Thursday?). If there is, it will be online like Quiz 6.
Course project#
Instructions are posted in the course notes.
Worksheet 16 (due Tuesday) is designed to get you started on the project.
What I most want from the project is to see what you learned in Math 10. It’s fine to follow a tutorial (as long as you reference it), but most of the grade will be based on the connection to the Math 10 material.
The two submissions have two different templates. One template for Worksheet 16; one template for the Course Project (in the Project folder on Deepnote).