Key Financial Metrics Analysis of S&P 500 Stocks#

Author: Leander von Schönfeld



Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, F22


With this project I want to analyze different properties of the S&P 500 stock index using stock data from the last 12 years and current valuation multiples. The main topics will be to evaluate whether you can classify the sector of a stock using key financial metrics, to predict the five year movement of a stock using valuation multiples and vice versa and a small time series analysis predicting stock prices of stocks from the utilities sector.

Loading our datasets and cleaning them up#

import pandas as pd
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'
import seaborn as sns
import altair as alt
import numpy as np

First we import our datasets and get a feeling for the data by looking at their first rows.

Date Symbol Adj Close Close High Low Open Volume
0 2010-01-04 MMM 59.318886 83.019997 83.449997 82.669998 83.089996 3043700.0
1 2010-01-05 MMM 58.947342 82.500000 83.230003 81.699997 82.800003 2847000.0
2 2010-01-06 MMM 59.783295 83.669998 84.599998 83.510002 83.879997 5268500.0
3 2010-01-07 MMM 59.826176 83.730003 83.760002 82.120003 83.320000 4470100.0
4 2010-01-08 MMM 60.247749 84.320000 84.320000 83.300003 83.690002 3405800.0
Symbol Name Sector Price Price/Earnings Dividend Yield Earnings/Share 52 Week Low 52 Week High Market Cap EBITDA Price/Sales Price/Book SEC Filings
0 MMM 3M Company Industrials 222.89 24.31 2.332862 7.92 259.77 175.490 1.387211e+11 9.048000e+09 4.390271 11.34
1 AOS A.O. Smith Corp Industrials 60.24 27.76 1.147959 1.70 68.39 48.925 1.078342e+10 6.010000e+08 3.575483 6.35
2 ABT Abbott Laboratories Health Care 56.27 22.51 1.908982 0.26 64.60 42.280 1.021210e+11 5.744000e+09 3.740480 3.19
3 ABBV AbbVie Inc. Health Care 108.48 19.41 2.499560 3.29 125.86 60.050 1.813863e+11 1.031000e+10 6.291571 26.14
4 ACN Accenture plc Information Technology 150.51 25.47 1.714470 5.44 162.60 114.820 9.876586e+10 5.643228e+09 2.604117 10.62

We want to find all companies, where the data is incomplete, and get rid of these companies in our dataset.

55     ARNC
199      FL
225     HCA
292     MRO
346     OXY
358     PEP
360    PRGO
430     TPR
450     TDG
460     UNP
Name: Symbol, dtype: object
multiples_true = multiples.dropna()
Symbol Name Sector Price Price/Earnings Dividend Yield Earnings/Share 52 Week Low 52 Week High Market Cap EBITDA Price/Sales Price/Book SEC Filings
0 MMM 3M Company Industrials 222.89 24.31 2.332862 7.92 259.77 175.490 1.387211e+11 9.048000e+09 4.390271 11.34
1 AOS A.O. Smith Corp Industrials 60.24 27.76 1.147959 1.70 68.39 48.925 1.078342e+10 6.010000e+08 3.575483 6.35
2 ABT Abbott Laboratories Health Care 56.27 22.51 1.908982 0.26 64.60 42.280 1.021210e+11 5.744000e+09 3.740480 3.19
3 ABBV AbbVie Inc. Health Care 108.48 19.41 2.499560 3.29 125.86 60.050 1.813863e+11 1.031000e+10 6.291571 26.14
4 ACN Accenture plc Information Technology 150.51 25.47 1.714470 5.44 162.60 114.820 9.876586e+10 5.643228e+09 2.604117 10.62
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
500 XYL Xylem Inc. Industrials 70.24 30.94 1.170079 1.83 76.81 46.860 1.291502e+10 7.220000e+08 2.726209 5.31
501 YUM Yum! Brands Inc Consumer Discretionary 76.30 27.25 1.797080 4.07 86.93 62.850 2.700330e+10 2.289000e+09 6.313636 212.08
502 ZBH Zimmer Biomet Holdings Health Care 115.53 14.32 0.794834 9.01 133.49 108.170 2.445470e+10 2.007400e+09 3.164895 2.39
503 ZION Zions Bancorp Financials 50.71 17.73 1.480933 2.60 55.61 38.430 1.067068e+10 0.000000e+00 3.794579 1.42
504 ZTS Zoetis Health Care 71.51 32.80 0.682372 1.65 80.13 52.000 3.599111e+10 1.734000e+09 9.280896 18.09

495 rows × 14 columns


As we see there are 10 companies with missing data. We check that dropna works correctly, by seeing if the number of rows in our new dataframe are the same.

Next we only focus on Adjusted Closing Dates in our prices dataset because we look for longterm trends and in the difference between the adjusted closing price and the other prices is quite small on average. Therefore we drop all other rows.

prices_adj = prices.drop(["Close", "High", "Low", "Open", "Volume"], axis=1).dropna()
Date Symbol Adj Close
0 2010-01-04 MMM 59.318886
1 2010-01-05 MMM 58.947342
2 2010-01-06 MMM 59.783295
3 2010-01-07 MMM 59.826176
4 2010-01-08 MMM 60.247749

Next we want to get rid of all stocks, where some of the data about the financial statements is missing and therefore drop these rows.

Date Symbol Adj Close
0 2010-01-04 MMM 59.318886
1 2010-01-05 MMM 58.947342
2 2010-01-06 MMM 59.783295
3 2010-01-07 MMM 59.826176
4 2010-01-08 MMM 60.247749
... ... ... ...
1633739 2022-11-18 ZTS 145.639999
1633740 2022-11-21 ZTS 147.330002
1633741 2022-11-22 ZTS 148.630005
1633742 2022-11-23 ZTS 150.470001
1633743 2022-11-25 ZTS 150.100006

1542379 rows × 3 columns

Plotting the S&P 500 index normed at year 2010#

We want to get a feeling for how the S&P 500 developed over the years, using just our data. We add a year column but also put the symbol into the year column so that we can still match the data of the respective stocks together.

prices_sectors = prices_true.copy()
prices_sectors["Year"] = prices_sectors.Date.str[0:4]+ ' ' + prices_sectors['Symbol']
Date Symbol Adj Close Year
0 2010-01-04 MMM 59.318886 2010 MMM
1 2010-01-05 MMM 58.947342 2010 MMM
2 2010-01-06 MMM 59.783295 2010 MMM
3 2010-01-07 MMM 59.826176 2010 MMM
4 2010-01-08 MMM 60.247749 2010 MMM

To see an overall trend we use the first stock price of every stock and every year.

prices_sectors.drop_duplicates(subset ='Year', keep ='first', inplace =True)
Symbol Adj Close Year
0 MMM 59.318886 2010 MMM
252 MMM 63.603325 2011 MMM
504 MMM 62.773624 2012 MMM
754 MMM 73.182358 2013 MMM
1006 MMM 109.054214 2014 MMM
... ... ... ...
1632509 ZTS 69.990440 2018 ZTS
1632760 ZTS 82.876381 2019 ZTS
1633012 ZTS 132.432312 2020 ZTS
1633265 ZTS 162.432663 2021 ZTS
1633517 ZTS 233.654770 2022 ZTS

6203 rows × 3 columns

Assume one stock is priced at 5 dollars per share and one stock is priced at 10 dollars per share but their market cap is equal. If we would just add all stock prices, the stock with less outstanding shares and a higher share price is weighted more in the calculation. Therefore we scale all stock prices to 100 for their first year in the S&P 500 to get a good feeling on how the S&P 500 developed over the last decade.

ser = prices_sectors.groupby("Symbol").first()["Adj Close"]
prices_sectors["temp"] = prices_sectors["Symbol"].map(lambda abb: ser[abb])
prices_sectors["Adj Close Norm"]=100*prices_sectors["Adj Close"]/prices_sectors["temp"]
Symbol Adj Close Year Adj Close Norm
0 MMM 59.318886 2010 MMM 100.000000
252 MMM 63.603325 2011 MMM 107.222723
504 MMM 62.773624 2012 MMM 105.824011
754 MMM 73.182358 2013 MMM 123.371093
1006 MMM 109.054214 2014 MMM 183.844003
... ... ... ... ...
1632509 ZTS 69.990440 2018 ZTS 240.943436
1632760 ZTS 82.876381 2019 ZTS 285.303534
1633012 ZTS 132.432312 2020 ZTS 455.900779
1633265 ZTS 162.432663 2021 ZTS 559.177564
1633517 ZTS 233.654770 2022 ZTS 804.361036

6203 rows × 4 columns

f = lambda x: sum(prices_sectors["Adj Close Norm"][pd.to_numeric(prices_sectors["Year"].str[:4])==x])
g = lambda x: len(prices_sectors["Adj Close Norm"][pd.to_numeric(prices_sectors["Year"].str[:4])==x])
overall = [f(x)/g(x) for x in range(2010,2023)]
sp500 = pd.DataFrame()
Year Score
0 2010 100.000000
1 2011 125.711745
2 2012 130.746957
3 2013 160.902186
4 2014 218.256688
5 2015 260.902206
6 2016 273.154361
7 2017 315.220202
8 2018 397.442871
9 2019 382.094871
10 2020 514.897323
11 2021 654.976929
12 2022 867.875919

Using a seaborn plot, we see that the overall trend was very positive. But some market movements are not included in the chart because only yearly data is used (e.g. a bear market in early 2020 because of the Covid 19 pandemic). However the goal of the chart was to get an overall feeling.

sns.lineplot(data=sp500, x="Year", y="Score", color="red")
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='Year', ylabel='Score'>

Merging our datasets#

Now we want to merge our two datasets multiples_true and prices_sectors. We us the pivot method to do so. Also we get rid of the Adj Close Norm column and just use the adjusted closing prices. Reference 1 Reference 2

mr = prices_sectors.copy()
realyear=[i[:4] for i in mr["Year"]]
mr["Real Year"]=realyear
Symbol Adj Close Year Adj Close Norm Real Year
0 MMM 59.318886 2010 MMM 100.000000 2010
252 MMM 63.603325 2011 MMM 107.222723 2011
504 MMM 62.773624 2012 MMM 105.824011 2012
754 MMM 73.182358 2013 MMM 123.371093 2013
1006 MMM 109.054214 2014 MMM 183.844003 2014
         columns="Real Year",
         values= "Adj Close")
Real Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
A 20.434929 27.342327 23.816809 27.615749 37.446896 38.134743 38.664230 44.659348 65.523422 64.262276 84.799675 118.001701 156.479996
AAL 4.496876 10.040195 4.826837 13.179525 23.907927 51.079918 39.095455 44.741226 51.647556 31.963160 28.982893 15.130000 18.750000
AAP 38.432693 62.621048 66.313416 69.793709 105.951363 153.358200 147.469162 165.506012 103.141106 153.790192 155.478271 154.917297 236.779999
AAPL 6.572423 10.121366 12.629211 17.010893 17.568449 24.819241 24.323219 27.413372 41.310070 38.439735 74.207466 128.997803 182.009995
ABBV NaN NaN NaN 23.636871 36.381527 47.606876 42.991688 48.374146 79.061188 74.481514 80.137360 99.552361 134.029205
df = pd.merge(multiples_true, mr, on='Symbol')
df = df.sort_values(by=['Symbol'])
df.drop(["Price","52 Week Low", "52 Week High"],axis=1, inplace=True)
Symbol Name Sector Price/Earnings Dividend Yield Earnings/Share Market Cap EBITDA Price/Sales Price/Book ... 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
11 A Agilent Technologies Inc Health Care 27.45 0.875698 2.10 2.198461e+10 1.094000e+09 6.493563 4.56 ... 27.615749 37.446896 38.134743 38.664230 44.659348 65.523422 64.262276 84.799675 118.001701 156.479996
26 AAL American Airlines Group Industrials 9.92 0.778210 3.91 2.459485e+10 5.761000e+09 0.580226 6.03 ... 13.179525 23.907927 51.079918 39.095455 44.741226 51.647556 31.963160 28.982893 15.130000 18.750000
7 AAP Advance Auto Parts Consumer Discretionary 19.54 0.218321 6.19 8.123612e+09 8.539410e+08 1.130106 2.51 ... 69.793709 105.951363 153.358200 147.469162 165.506012 103.141106 153.790192 155.478271 154.917297 236.779999
41 AAPL Apple Inc. Information Technology 16.86 1.579541 9.20 8.095080e+11 7.938600e+10 3.458609 5.66 ... 17.010893 17.568449 24.819241 24.323219 27.413372 41.310070 38.439735 74.207466 128.997803 182.009995
3 ABBV AbbVie Inc. Health Care 19.41 2.499560 3.29 1.813863e+11 1.031000e+10 6.291571 26.14 ... 23.636871 36.381527 47.606876 42.991688 48.374146 79.061188 74.481514 80.137360 99.552361 134.029205

5 rows × 24 columns

Classifying stocks using the K-Means method#

The first thing we want to do is, to see if we can predict, whether the sector of a stock is Real Estate, Industrials or Utilities, using the Price/Sales and the Dividend Yield multiple with the K-Means method. Reference

First let us have a look on how our data looks:

df2= df[df['Sector'].eq("Real Estate") | df['Sector'].eq("Utilities") | df['Sector'].eq("Industrials")]
brush = alt.selection_interval(encodings=["x","y"])

i1 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_circle().encode(
    y="Dividend Yield",
    color=alt.condition(brush, "Sector:N", alt.value("green"))

i2 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_bar().encode(
    y=alt.Y("count()", scale=alt.Scale(domain=[0,55])),


When looking at the data and creating a brush, we clearly see, that there is at least some sort of characteristic properties for stocks from each sector. Industrials tend to have a low dividend yield and a low Price/Sales multiple, Utilities also have a low Price/Sales multiple, but their dividend yield is higher on average and Real Estate stocks have a high Price/Sales multiple. We want to use different machine learning techniques to see, how well these methods can classify given stocks.

First we use the K-Means method. We don’t initialize centroids.

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, max_iter=10, n_init=5, random_state=2)[["Dividend Yield","Price/Sales"]])
kmeans.predict(df2[["Dividend Yield","Price/Sales"]])
array([0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0,
       2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0,
       0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2,
       2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
       2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0], dtype=int32)
cluster = kmeans.predict(df2[["Dividend Yield","Price/Sales"]])

Now we want to test whether our results from the prediction using K-Means are actually correct. We use a dictionary and list comprehension to do so. Reference

mapping = {0:'Industrials', 1:'Real Estate', 2:'Utilities'}
df2["temp"] = [mapping[i] for i in cluster]

Let’s do a chart that shows how well the K-Means algorithm performed.

c2 = alt.Chart(df2).mark_circle().encode(
    y="Dividend Yield",

We see, the algorithm worked quite well. To evaluate how good it worked, we can do the following calculation:


The algorithm predicted 86.5% of the stocks correctly. Let’s see if a decision tree works better and how we can avoid overfitting.

Classifying stocks using decision trees#

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X = df2[["Price/Sales","Dividend Yield"]]
y = df2["Sector"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.9, random_state=0)
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=5),y_train)
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clf.score(X_test, y_test)

Using max_leaf_nodes=5, the performance on our test set is much worse than on the training set (more than 10 percentage points difference) and also worse than with the K_Means method. To see, which max_leaf_nodes value between 2 and 10 gives us the best score on the test set we use a for-loop. Reference

mlf_candidates = range(2,10)
scores = dict()
for i in mlf_candidates:
    clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=i),y_train)
    scores[i] = clf.score(X_test,y_test)
    train_scores[i] = clf.score(X_train,y_train)
{2: 0.5454545454545454, 3: 0.8181818181818182, 4: 0.8181818181818182, 5: 0.8181818181818182, 6: 0.8181818181818182, 7: 0.9090909090909091, 8: 0.9090909090909091, 9: 0.9090909090909091}
{2: 0.6989247311827957, 3: 0.8709677419354839, 4: 0.9247311827956989, 5: 0.9247311827956989, 6: 0.946236559139785, 7: 0.956989247311828, 8: 0.956989247311828, 9: 0.967741935483871}

The best possibility for max_leaf_nodes seems to be 7. Let’s check overfitting:

clf7 = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=5),y_train)

We see that it is now overfitting way less than before. But there is still a difference of more than 6 percentage points.

Now let’s plot the decision tree with max_leaf_nodes=7:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
_ = plot_tree(clf7, 

Next let’s make a chart of the results of our decision tree, which we will do by coloring the different decison areas in different colors using the DecisionBoundaryDisplay method. Reference

In order to get a proper coloring for our plot we need to use a similar trick with a dictionary before and afterwards we see the stocks and decision areas. I did not know how to get a legend for the colors of the scatterplot, because of the trick I used, but white stands for Industrials, black stands for Utilites and grey for Real Estate.

from sklearn.inspection import DecisionBoundaryDisplay 
import as px
mapp = {'Industrials':0, 'Real Estate':1, 'Utilities':2}
df2["temp2"] = [mapp[i] for i in df2["Sector"]]

y=df2["Dividend Yield"]
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fb0b89667a0>

Linear Regression to predict the Price/Earnings multiple#

The second central project is to look how the Price/Earnings multiple is influenced by current movements in the stock market.

First we add a new column to our dataframe which gives a multiple for the development of every stock over the last five years.


Now we want to restrict the Price/Earnings multiple to the most common area between zero and fifty, as if we would take all values into account, the impact of the outliers would be to large. This makes sense, as a P/E ratio outside of that range would imply a very unusual economic situation of the company.

df['P/E']=df['Price/Earnings'][(df['Price/Earnings']>0) & (df['Price/Earnings']<50)]

By looking at the chart we see that there is a positive correlation between the P/E multiple and the movement over the last five years. This was what I expected, as a positive movement in the last five years increases the price of the stock and if we assume a symmetric distribution around zero for the development of earnings, on average the Price/Earnings multiple will go up.

    x=alt.X("fy_move", axis=alt.Axis(format='00%', title='Five Year Movement')),
    y=alt.Y("P/E", axis=alt.Axis(title='Price/Earnings Multiple'))

Now let’s check these results by using a linear regression. Note: The results can be only taken into account for usual P/E ratios between zero and fifty.

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
regr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)
data = {'P/E': df['P/E'],
        'fy_move': df['fy_move']
df_mini = pd.DataFrame(data).dropna()
P/E fy_move
11 27.45 3.503858
26 9.92 0.419077
7 19.54 1.430643
41 16.86 6.639460
3 19.41 2.770679[["fy_move"]],df_mini["P/E"]).coef_

We see that if a stock has increased its price a hundred percentage points more in the last five years, it’s P/E multiple is predicted to be 2.26 points higher.

df_mini['P/E_pred'] = regr.predict(df_mini[['fy_move']])
c4 = alt.Chart(df_mini).mark_circle().encode(
    x=alt.X("fy_move", axis=alt.Axis(format='00%', title='Five Year Movement')),
    y=alt.Y("P/E", axis=alt.Axis(title='Price/Earnings Multiple'))

c5 = alt.Chart(df_mini).mark_line(color="black", size=3).encode(


The line graph shows us the predicted values for our P/E multiple based on the performance of a stock in the last five years.

r_squared1 = regr.score(df_mini[["fy_move"]],df_mini["P/E"])
f'The R^2 value of our regression is {r_squared1}'
'The R^2 value of our regression is 0.10920701719531833'

Only around 7 percent of the P/E multiple is explained by the five year movement. So we try to add another variable. But to let it make sense, we now predict the five year movement based on two other multiples.

Multivariate Regression to predict the Five Year Movement#

We also calculate the Market Cap/EBITDA multiple. To make that multiple financially correct, we should use Enterprise Value instead of Market Cap (Equity Value), but as these values can’t be derived from our data we use this multiple instead and restrict it to the usual values between zero and thirty.

df_mini["M"]=df["Market Cap"]/df["EBITDA"]

We want to do a multivariable regression using the P/E multiple and the Market Cap/EBITDA multiple and do a three dimensional plot of the results.

reg = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)[["M","P/E"]],df_mini["fy_move"])
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df_mini['fy_pred'] = reg.predict(df_mini[["M","P/E"]])
r_squared = reg.score(df_mini[["M","P/E"]],df_mini["fy_move"])
f'The R^2 value of our regression is {r_squared}'
'The R^2 value of our regression is 0.1318268964774878'

The R^2 value shows us that only 13% of the the five year movement can be explained by our two multiple. So in general their doesn’t seem to be a big linear correlation between our chosen variables. But at least our model is now twice as good as our first linear regression.

We try this using Matplotlib to plot the stocks and the prediction surface for the five year movement based on the Market Cap/EBITDA and the Price/Earnings multiples and our result is correct, but as we need to plot our graph in three dimensions, it is impossible to actually see the relevant information from this plot. Reference 1 Reference 2

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.set_xlabel('Market Cap/EBITDA')
ax.set_zlabel('Five Year Movement')
<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection at 0x7fb0ad9e4670>

Therefore I decided to use the plotly.grap_objects library which enables to do really nice and informative three-dimensional interactive charts. Reference

from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import plotly.graph_objects as go

x = np.array(df_mini['M'])
y = np.array(df_mini['P/E'])
z = np.array(df_mini['fy_pred'])
a = np.array(df_mini['fy_move'])

xi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 100)
yi = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), 100)

X,Y = np.meshgrid(xi,yi)

Z = griddata((x,y),z,(X,Y), method='cubic')
A = griddata((x,y),a,(X,Y), method='cubic')

layout = go.Layout(
    margin=dict(l=80, r=80, t=100, b=80),scene= dict(
        xaxis_title='Market Cap/EBITDA',
        zaxis_title='Five Year Movement'

fig = go.Figure(go.Surface(x=xi,y=yi,z=Z), layout=layout)
fig.add_scatter3d(x=X.flatten(), y=Y.flatten(), z = A. flatten(), mode='markers', 
                  marker=dict(size=2, color=A.flatten(),               

The color of the surface corresponds to the predicted five year movement and the legend for the colors is on the right side of the plot. Every point corresponds to a stock and shows the empirical five year movement of the respective stock. A darker green of a point symbolizes a higher five year movement of the corresponding stock. When going with the mouse over points you also see the values for the different axis.

From the surface we see, that the predicted five year movement is going up, when both multiples have higher values (positive correlation).

Stock Price Prediction#

The last thing we wanna do in this project is to use a RandomForestRegressor to predict the 2022 stock prices of Utilities companies based on the five years before (2017,2022). Reference

First we create a new dataframe consisting of the necessary data and make numpy arrays to use our RandomForestRegressor:

dfu = df[df['Sector']=="Utilities"]
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

We instantiate such a regressor, split our data and then fit the training data and predict the test data.

model=RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_features=5, random_state=0)
X1_train,X1_test,y1_train,y1_test = train_test_split(x, y, train_size=0.9, random_state=0),y1_train)
RandomForestRegressor(max_features=5, random_state=0)
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prediction = model.predict(X1_test)

In order to get a good plot, we need to get a dataframe, where we have columns with the actual data of the stocks in the testset and the predicted data in other columns.

df_plot.columns = ["Prediction1","Prediction2","Prediction3","Actual1","Actual2","Actual3","Year"]
Prediction1 Prediction2 Prediction3 Actual1 Actual2 Actual3 Year
0 9.617868 86.187241 24.832394 9.617868 86.187241 24.832394 2017
1 9.477143 92.480362 25.914534 9.477143 92.480362 25.914534 2018
2 12.860688 96.775284 32.189873 12.860688 96.775284 32.189873 2019
3 18.765497 139.030411 43.180630 18.765497 139.030411 43.180630 2020
4 22.521595 119.689957 28.016165 22.521595 119.689957 28.016165 2021
0 29.926051 143.434947 41.327859 24.206093 131.990005 40.862453 2022

We see that there are three stocks in our testset. We want to plot the actual stock prices for these three stocks in red and the predicted stock data in blue. Reference

base = alt.Chart(df_plot.reset_index()).encode(x=alt.X('Year',scale=alt.Scale(domain=(2017,2022)), axis=alt.Axis(format='', title='Year')))

As we can see, the accuracy of RandomForestRegressor was quite different. The best result is achieved for the second stock, where you have to zoom in to see a difference between the red and the blue line. But I would say the overall result is quite good. Whether a stock went up or down was predicted right for all three stocks, eventhough two of them dropped in price the year before.


To summarize we can say that both the K-Means algorithm and Decision Trees work quite well when it comes to classifying stocks by their sector. Using the optimal number for max_leaf_nodes, we get a slightly better result using Decision trees, but the difference is only four percentage points. We also saw a small correlation between the past movement of a stock and some of the key financial metrics. Actually I expected an even bigger correaltion and was quite surprised by the low R^2 scores of the regressions. When using a RandomForestRegressor to analyze stock price movements, we can get at least an idea into which direction the stock price will move next. How well our time series analysis predicted future stock prices was very different for different stocks.


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